potting outdoors


Active Member
This year I grew outdoors in pots because my site is in a dried swamp and i dont think the soil would be very good for the plants. However i have one plant and it is in giant preztle jar as a pot, i planted it in late july theres no bud and its starting to turn yellowish, i am pretty sure its female because it has white hairs. is the pot to small? And for next year how big of a pot should i have? and i live in massachusetts can i legally by seeds? and if so whats a good outdoors strain? Also what books do you recomend for outdoor growing?



Well-Known Member
The jar is probably too small for the plant, and it is yellowing because of the stress it is under since its roots have no place to grow out into (root bound).

I've heard the rule that you should have 1 gallon (of volume) in your pot for every foot tall the plant is. So 2 foot tall = 2 gallon pot. I personally won't grow any plant that is flowering in less then a 5 gallon pot.

I'm growing in an old dried swamp too. Right now I have them in 3 gallon pots, but tomorrow I'm going to put them in the ground. The soil is bad, but I'm going to dig out a 5-7 gallon hole and replace the soil with good potting mix.

Get that girl into a bigger pot or hole with some good soil and some blooming fertilizer and you might still get a good harvest even after all the abuse you've given her.

Cannabis seeds are illegal in all of the U.S. (federally). I strongly suspect Mass. state law has them as illegal too. There are a lot of really good grow guides on the web... I wouldn't bother buying a book. Just read all you can on the web first.

This year I grew outdoors in pots because my site is in a dried swamp and i dont think the soil would be very good for the plants. However i have one plant and it is in giant preztle jar as a pot, i planted it in late july theres no bud and its starting to turn yellowish, i am pretty sure its female because it has white hairs. is the pot to small? And for next year how big of a pot should i have? and i live in massachusetts can i legally by seeds? and if so whats a good outdoors strain? Also what books do you recomend for outdoor growing?



Well-Known Member
There are a lot of really good grow guides on the web... I wouldn't bother buying a book. Just read all you can on the web first.
No offense, but this is some of the worst advice you can give on any subject... think about it.
randomguy12345 said:
Nah dude, don't read a book, just check the Intarweb!
I don't claim to be any type of expert, but I found "The Good Bud Guide" very informative if you are growing indoor, and Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible by Jorge Cervantes to be a good Outdoor book.