im a newbie HELP

hey guys im new to growing and im growing on a small budget but i have a seedling that is about 9 days old and its leaves are starting to develop a white crust of some sort on all four leaves can someone help?

i have it in my closet under a 34 watt 4 foot light and have a small fan cooling them i had 5 but 4 have died they all just fell over and shriveled up so im trying to save the one i do have

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Doesn't sound good... hard to tell without a pic... You may be overwatering or the soil may be too rich...


Well-Known Member
i added some pics thank you for your help
what kind of soil is that. It doesn't look all that great.
Try using solo cups until they get a little bigger, being they are so small. Pots look to large for such immature plants. Makes it harder to water correctly when there is so much unused soil by the roots in the pot.
Looks like it stayed to wet to me. good luck


Well-Known Member
You might also want to raise the pot up so that the top of the seedling is about 4-6 inches from the bulb and whats that bucket of redish liquid? Shouldn't be feeding them nutes for the first couple weeks they just need water


Well-Known Member
Yeah, what mint said, first thing i noticed was the seedlings where WAY to far from the light source. It should be 4-6 inches away. Put the back of your hand next to the plant, if its too hot for your hand its too hot for the plant.

Also, 34w is not going to be enough for even one plant. And again whats already been said your soil looks bad. what soil is it? and curious what strain are the seeds? Because if they are autos then theres really no point in starting in a solo cup, i mean at this point even if they were photos you might as well just keep them in those containers for now and fix the other problems.


Well-Known Member
hey guys im new to growing and im growing on a small budget but i have a seedling that is about 9 days old and its leaves are starting to develop a white crust of some sort on all four leaves can someone help?

i have it in my closet under a 34 watt 4 foot light and have a small fan cooling them i had 5 but 4 have died they all just fell over and shriveled up so im trying to save the one i do have
inbox me ill help ya out with what ya need if u are serious about doing it been a wile since i have help a newbie out
Doesn't sound good... hard to tell without a pic... You may be overwatering or the soil may be too rich...
Yeah, what mint said, first thing i noticed was the seedlings where WAY to far from the light source. It should be 4-6 inches away. Put the back of your hand next to the plant, if its too hot for your hand its too hot for the plant.

Also, 34w is not going to be enough for even one plant. And again whats already been said your soil looks bad. what soil is it? and curious what strain are the seeds? Because if they are autos then theres really no point in starting in a solo cup, i mean at this point even if they were photos you might as well just keep them in those containers for now and fix the other problems.
check it out took your advice and i got these going

