Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
lol, another day in the gage thread, this shit's hilarious. So heated. The complaint is legitimate imo, the hostility is hilarious ,used to bug me but it's gone on so long it's like a running joke now.

Now I'll jump in ;) if the seeds were cheaper it would result in more people buying the gear which is good for gage. If gage takes other issues and tries to remedy them then why wouldn't they address a common complaint of pricing? I don't think it's a matter of people not being able to afford gage gear I think it's that there are so many breeders out there that you can grab 3 packs from someone else sometimes for what gage charges for one pack. Priced competitively I think a lot of folks would choose gage, pretty sure that's why folks are complaining about price in the first place :)

They got a lot of stuff I would be interested in at $80-90 a pack. Hempdepot isn't "too" bad at 106 CAD a pack. If you American's get a hold of him maybe you can get him to adjust the price to meet the current exchange rate which I think would put packs under 100 a piece. At Choice/ Tude it's 125 CAD plus shipping/Guarantee, too much I agree. As of right now a $100 Canadian Dollar pack of seeds is $83 American, that's if he'll adjust the price he's got it listed at the same price USD/CAD.
It's just that the topic has been talked to death.

If they think the prices should be lower they should contact the breeder. End of story.

Yet they come here to complain.

How long should I let someone bitch in my ear about something I have no control over? How long till I tell them to take their complaints elsewhere?


Well-Known Member
It's just that the topic has been talked to death.

If they think the prices should be lower they should contact the breeder. End of story.

Yet they come here to complain.

How long should I let someone bitch in my ear about something I have no control over? How long till I tell them to take their complaints elsewhere?
It's the point of the forum :) I know shit gets old and talked to death, I bitched about all this bitching and complaining about 3 weeks ago lol, even got in an argument with hamish and muted him for like 2 days lol.

People are probably going to complain about the price until GGG does something though, whether they feel they should or not it's up to them, but they aren't price competitively especially with up and comers selling gear for $50 a pack and giving out free packs to folks interested in their gear.


Well-Known Member
It's the point of the forum :) I know shit gets old and talked to death, I bitched about all this bitching and complaining about 3 weeks ago lol, even got in an argument with hamish and muted him for like 2 days lol.

People are probably going to complain about the price until GGG does something though, whether they feel they should or not it's up to them, but they aren't price competitively especially with up and comers selling gear for $50 a pack and giving out free packs to folks interested in their gear.
she don't understand that even if people love ggg gear they will complaint about the price if it rise but not everybody can understand that like you can see with the dickrider, like when i complaint about the hermie from about greenpoint seed monster cookie but you didn't deny it you accepted that fact because you don't have a double face and are a true tester


Well-Known Member
lol, another day in the gage thread, this shit's hilarious. So heated. The complaint is legitimate imo, the hostility is hilarious ,used to bug me but it's gone on so long it's like a running joke now.

Now I'll jump in ;) if the seeds were cheaper it would result in more people buying the gear which is good for gage. If gage takes other issues and tries to remedy them then why wouldn't they address a common complaint of pricing? I don't think it's a matter of people not being able to afford gage gear I think it's that there are so many breeders out there that you can grab 3 packs from someone else sometimes for what gage charges for one pack. Priced competitively I think a lot of folks would choose gage, pretty sure that's why folks are complaining about price in the first place :)

They got a lot of stuff I would be interested in at $80-90 a pack. Hempdepot isn't "too" bad at 106 CAD a pack. If you American's get a hold of him maybe you can get him to adjust the price to meet the current exchange rate which I think would put packs under 100 a piece. At Choice/ Tude it's 125 CAD plus shipping/Guarantee, too much I agree. As of right now a $100 Canadian Dollar pack of seeds is $83 American, that's if he'll adjust the price he's got it listed at the same price USD/CAD.

How long should I let someone bitch in my ear about something I have no control over? How long till I tell them to take their complaints elsewhere?
Nobody is complaing about you, or to you. Don't take it personally.


Well-Known Member
loooooool are you kidding me?? no i'm in canada near the frontier i'm going to clio because is the closest from where i am
No shit. Not sure where I got the Israel thing from then?? lol

Anyway, cool that you're coming down! Just a heads up.... if you don't have a medical marijuana card you can't be in any of the medicating/smoking areas. The other area is kinda lame from what I hear. The Denver cup is better in that regard as you can medicate anywhere.

If you do make it down let me know and we can meet up for a spliff.....


Well-Known Member
I got a gem a couple years ago from a from free Cali connect mix pack.i would have paid ten thousand dollars for her but I lost her cuz I left my fuckingggggggggggggggggggggg humidity dome off. F$**%&@
that sucks man, I've got to build a new aero cloner I really don't like humidity domes, as someone said the other day issues arise when you take em off :(

sorry for your loss.


Well-Known Member
No shit. Not sure where I got the Israel thing from then?? lol

Anyway, cool that you're coming down! Just a heads up.... if you don't have a medical marijuana card you can't be in any of the medicating/smoking areas. The other area is kinda lame from what I hear. The Denver cup is better in that regard as you can medicate anywhere.

If you do make it down let me know and we can meet up for a spliff.....
spannabis like that two beside the old ht cup in amsterdam i haven't gone to a cup where i can smoke freely i go to cup to get more strain for the same amount of money like 2 pack of sour grape from brett scott only at 120$ wich is great for me and i can meet people i've tchek on internet to share some smoke and cuts after the cup it's not a problem for me to find a discret spot to smoke and share a blunt not that i 've already go there but all the other i've done that i can stay all day without smoking it's just at night or when im' very angry (like 1hour before but when you see what the man worth it's nothing to worry about ) im not bad just impulsive and like i said i love fighting we should smoke one at the cup you will be sure to see me if beemo assume is word
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Well-Known Member
seems like they were true when thay said some people on this thread are good friens of sunny get blamed but not the others


Well-Known Member
Wow that was a whirlwind for a couple pages.

Let me summarize.
Critics of ggg: potential dank, but expensive given it is only POTENTIAL.

Testers of ggg: we are not ggg, take it up with them or dont buy.

Both stances are reasonable but it gets muddied and personal when people feel their abilities being called into question because they didnt experience satisfaction with their purchase and are expressing that view. I can easily understand the frustration with that. Its like telling a chick her cooch dont work because she didnt get off lol, she might not be easy to please but its both of yalls faults!
So to conclude ggg testers just gotta take the good with the bad, and I guess report the irreleveant to help this thread stay on track. While ggg custokers need to maintain reasonble expectations fora pack of seeds. Buying seeds is like gambling, and like my momma says "theirs a reason its called gambling and not winning, or everyone would do it". So you wanna better chance of winning either buy the clone you desire or get more seeds.

Whew, now where them plant pics at, any updates on those duende f2s @genuity ?

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member

until GGG does something though, whether they feel they should or not it's up to them
Exactly !
Does anyone actually walk into La Maison and tell the waiter what he should charge for prime rib? Then sit there likie a dolt until he gets his way? the more budget conscious, do you annoy paying customers by hanging out complaining about the price of chicken nuggets?

But you're going to tell a seller of a product what you think it's worth, and call them money grubbers when they don't make it cheaper. What's next? Will st0w's Knights who say Neigh riot and loot the dispensaries for fair pricing to the poor?

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
A doctors visit. JUST A PHYSICAL hi how are you, feeling ok lately? Lets get your weight and prescribe you some pain killers for your back.

89 dollars for me. If I had insurance it would be 120.

This is not a place to quibble on prices. This is a place to talk about taste smells and show pictures or ask questions about strains.

I see the complaint about price every other day from the same 2-3 people.

Complaints here will not change anything.
Since when do you define what this thread is about? Open forum bro, your power is about as strong as my penis when flacid.

I am going to grow out the whole bastard line in your name!

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
Wow that was a whirlwind for a couple pages.

Let me summarize.
Critics of ggg: potential dank, but expensive given it is only POTENTIAL.

Testers of ggg: we are not ggg, take it up with them or dont buy.

Both stances are reasonable but it gets muddied and personal when people feel their abilities being called into question because they didnt experience satisfaction with their purchase and are expressing that view. I can easily understand the frustration with that. Its like telling a chick her cooch dont work because she didnt get off lol, she might not be easy to please but its both of yalls faults!
So to conclude ggg testers just gotta take the good with the bad, and I guess report the irreleveant to help this thread stay on track. While ggg custokers need to maintain reasonble expectations fora pack of seeds. Buying seeds is like gambling, and like my momma says "theirs a reason its called gambling and not winning, or everyone would do it". So you wanna better chance of winning either buy the clone you desire or get more seeds.

Whew, now where them plant pics at, any updates on those duende f2s @genuity ?
Leave it to the voice of reason to end all the treason :D :clap::bigjoint:
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