Exhaust necessary?

I am in the process of getting my facility dialed in. It's a store inside of a shopping center and there are business' near by. The units to the left and right of mine are empty because my landlord owns them too. There are going to be multiple rooms for veg flower ect. that are going to be exhausted out to the main room. So do I need to be exhausting the main room outside? Will this be better or worse for odor control? My only option to do so is to cut a hole in the ceiling and scrub the air with like a 12". Also I am going to be running the main AC at all times because it's about to get extremely hott here in Phoenix.

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
The main problems I can see with this setup is without some sort of heat exchange the main room/store is going to get really really hot and humid. Also without some sort of odour control (carbon scrubber/ozone gen) almost any strain will stink up the place. Maybe you should read into lung rooms. Another thing is if the building stays sealed and you have no ventilation then you will be trying to replenish your rooms air masses with the co2 depleted air you've just exhausted. This is no biggy though if you're suplementing with co2 via a control release tank or a generator.

Hope this helps mate.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Sealed rooms are cooled by mini splits or central ac depending on size. You have a dedicated ac for each room. This is best way to keep your smell stealth. Do not air cool your lights, one small leak and the whole place gonna know whAts good. 5,000 btu per 1000 watts of light.
Sealed rooms are cooled by mini splits or central ac depending on size. You have a dedicated ac for each room. This is best way to keep your smell stealth. Do not air cool your lights, one small leak and the whole place gonna know whAts good. 5,000 btu per 1000 watts of light.
What if I scrub the air from the lights to the main room? It's about to be 110 degrees here.


Well-Known Member
What if I scrub the air from the lights to the main room? It's about to be 110 degrees here.
Well if the outdoor temp is 110 your only option is a sealed room cause your going to be in taking 110 degree air. I think its like 85 degrees you want to be if you got CO2 going, so unless you want lower yields and hermie heaven I would do sealed rooms not the cheapest way to start out though but unless maybe it's winter or you move to a cooler area you don't have much of an option bout the only way to keep them happy with 110 degree outdoor temps that's not going to cool your room down, you don't really want over 78 unless you got CO2 going but still not much warmer with CO2.
Well if the outdoor temp is 110 your only option is a sealed room cause your going to be in taking 110 degree air. I think its like 85 degrees you want to be if you got CO2 going, so unless you want lower yields and hermie heaven I would do sealed rooms not the cheapest way to start out though but unless maybe it's winter or you move to a cooler area you don't have much of an option bout the only way to keep them happy with 110 degree outdoor temps that's not going to cool your room down, you don't really want over 78 unless you got CO2 going but still not much warmer with CO2.
Thanks for the video I'll watch it when I wake up. I wouldn't be pulling air from outdoors that wouldn't be a very smart idea lol. I would be pulling air from the main room where the main AC to the facility will be running 24/7 78degrees or whatever I choose to set it at. So it will be cool air through the hoods. I think it would be better to not insulate the rooms either since the main AC will always be running it should actually help cool the additional rooms.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the video I'll watch it when I wake up. I wouldn't be pulling air from outdoors that wouldn't be a very smart idea lol. I would be pulling air from the main room where the main AC to the facility will be running 24/7 78degrees or whatever I choose to set it at. So it will be cool air through the hoods. I think it would be better to not insulate the rooms either since the main AC will always be running it should actually help cool the additional rooms.
Good luck. You got a lot of figuring out to do. Here is a concept that always made sense to me about fresh air with air conditioners: when you turn on your ac in your home what is the first thing you check? Make sure the doors and windows are closed right? Then why would someone choose to run an ac, then pull that air they are paying for right outside. Your paying to air condition the outdoors. Never, not once, has this concept made any sense to me. IMO it's 100% sealed or 100% fresh air. There is no in-between that works EFFICIENTLY.
Good luck. You got a lot of figuring out to do. Here is a concept that always made sense to me about fresh air with air conditioners: when you turn on your ac in your home what is the first thing you check? Make sure the doors and windows are closed right? Then why would someone choose to run an ac, then pull that air they are paying for right outside. Your paying to air condition the outdoors. Never, not once, has this concept made any sense to me. IMO it's 100% sealed or 100% fresh air. There is no in-between that works EFFICIENTLY.
That definitely makes sense. I'll be running sealed rooms, it's going to put a dent in my pocket but I think it's more efficient. I'm going to do a 6k flower, 2k veg, then t5s for mother/clone room. Wish me luck bros.


Well-Known Member
That definitely makes sense. I'll be running sealed rooms, it's going to put a dent in my pocket but I think it's more efficient. I'm going to do a 6k flower, 2k veg, then t5s for mother/clone room. Wish me luck bros.
Good luck, this ain't your first grow is it? Just that's a big investment and some noobs do a horrible job I'm not sure how they do so bad but its sad.
I'll help u in any way I can. What nutrients are you going to use? What grow medium? Whose going to install the subpanel or light controller to controll those lights? And the ac?
general hydroponics, pure coco I have to call the electrician and AC guy. The contractor is coming tomorrow to take a look at the place and see what we're going to do about the room build outs. It will be easier for you all to analyze the situation if you could actually see the place so I will get some pics up asap.

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
I've found a massive difference in using dual arc bulbs for veg as opposed to straight hps or mh. The downside is they cover a smaller area.

Another tip, use foil backed rigid insulation boards to build ur rooms, like kingspan/celotex/ecotherm. Easy to cut and shape and rigid enough to support themselves once they're fixed together. They come in 8x4 sheets aswell so it doesn't take long to knock separate rooms up.

Even in a sealy you should still have some method of odour control, if for nothing else but enteringn exiting the rooms. The smell will escape when you open doors. I run a couple small plug in ozone generators just outside of my room for any smells that escape when I enter/exit. A small fan/filter combo does the trick nicely.