The New girl at work.


thats the kinda gurl u have to talk into her clothes
Amber Rose comes to mind
Ok, SGT. What were you being so cryptic about the other day? Something about 13 and somebody's real identity.

Why are you resorting to such tactics?

Wasn't going to ask as I have seen little of you lately, but since you are here...
Was just spouting nonsense.

If I knew where to find someone, (which I do) I wouldn't tell anyone on this forum.

Even still, I didn't give any info away and no1 asked besides you.
I don't find her attractive... Like at all. Maybe it's the short hair. I Donno. She is just a common traga to me..
I don't like the shaved head either, but she is pretty in the face and has a body (ass) that I love. The arm tattoos don't do it for me either, but I can't help but stare at dat ass.
I don't like the shaved head either, but she is pretty in the face and has a body (ass) that I love. The arm tattoos don't do it for me either, but I can't help but stare at dat ass.
That Ass is fake. Just like nikki minaj and Kim Kardashian. That short hair and her fake ghetto voice turn me da Fuck off. You seen that stupid bitch on Larry king bro.. I can't stand that bitch. Wiz a fool for fucking with her.
That Ass is fake. Just like nikki minaj and Kim Kardashian. That short hair and her fake ghetto voice turn me da Fuck off. You seen that stupid bitch on Larry king bro.. I can't stand that bitch. Wiz a fool for fucking with her.
I never said I listen to her speak.

What good would that do? LoL

I could care less what she has to say, shake yo ass and hush. :lol: