Hey, Is this nutrient burn, light, or a deficiency?

Gareth Jehan

Well-Known Member
Hey, can someone offer me some advice please. I have a little experience in growing and am budding one set of plants successfully at the moment. However i have just started some more seedlings about 2 weeks ago and am experiencing some issues. The leaves on some of them seem to be creased and a wierd shape, with a light colour at the tip of the leaves (only very slightly).
My grow conditions are:

400 watt light
In a tent
coco medium
iconic nutrients just a few drops at a time with all nutrients per litre of tap water left out for 24 hours
temp 28
humidity 50
ph 5.8-6.0
18/6 light
distance from light 12-18 inch

I have not been giving them too much nutrients I feel. And can't understand why two of them are shooting up and perfect and some of the others are having issues. I'ts nowt major but still a little irratating. Any advice would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
not tip burn. pH has been stable around 5.8?? if so, what ppm/EC you feeding at?

if i'm not mistake, leafs curling up is Mg defic. also, they look a bit yellow= N defic.

is Ionic nutes for Coco? when I used coco, i used house and garden coco or H3AD's formula for coco.

Gareth Jehan

Well-Known Member
not tip burn. pH has been stable around 5.8?? if so, what ppm/EC you feeding at?

if i'm not mistake, leafs curling up is Mg defic. also, they look a bit yellow= N defic.

is Ionic nutes for Coco? when I used coco, i used house and garden coco or H3AD's formula for coco.
Hey cheers for the reply. To be honest the ph checking on my behalf has been crap really ive only just got a electronic ph tester. before that i had been using the liquid chemical tester so not too accurate. I know that Mg is an issue when growing in coco so have been adding a little with each watering along with the nitrozyme for the nitrogen. iconic nutrients are some of the best you can use for coco and am preety confident in the, did a fair bit of research on that. I don't have an EC meter reader and have just played it by ear in past grows and it's worked. I will however, be buying an EC meter asap. It's just difficultuntil I get the EC meter or even when I get it to distinguish how much nutes to give them at this stage, thats why its been literally a couple of drops with a syringe into the water.


Well-Known Member
is it iconic or ionic nutes? never heard of iconic. i tried ionic and was pleased with results. that was in hydro, not coco.

yeah, without the EC meter, i'd guess they are underfed. if you do some searching you can find an EC feeding table for different stages of plant growth. .2 to .3 for seedlings w/ roots and you slowly work your way stronger as they get bigger. extra Mg is the norm for coco grows too.
good luck!

Gareth Jehan

Well-Known Member
is it iconic or ionic nutes? never heard of iconic. i tried ionic and was pleased with results. that was in hydro, not coco.

yeah, without the EC meter, i'd guess they are underfed. if you do some searching you can find an EC feeding table for different stages of plant growth. .2 to .3 for seedlings w/ roots and you slowly work your way stronger as they get bigger. extra Mg is the norm for coco grows too.
good luck!
Hey yeah Iconic nutrients and yeah will do some searching for a nutrient table just don't wanna overdo the nutes like.



Well-Known Member
Hey, can someone offer me some advice please. I have a little experience in growing and am budding one set of plants successfully at the moment. However i have just started some more seedlings about 2 weeks ago and am experiencing some issues. The leaves on some of them seem to be creased and a wierd shape, with a light colour at the tip of the leaves (only very slightly).
My grow conditions are:

400 watt light
In a tent
coco medium
iconic nutrients just a few drops at a time with all nutrients per litre of tap water left out for 24 hours
temp 28
humidity 50
ph 5.8-6.0
18/6 light
distance from light 12-18 inch

I have not been giving them too much nutrients I feel. And can't understand why two of them are shooting up and perfect and some of the others are having issues. I'ts nowt major but still a little irratating. Any advice would be appreciated.
Your temps are a little high and they look like they're starving. How much feed per litre are you using?


Active Member
heat stress as the leave edges are curling up dont think its mag dif as no classic signs for mag dif i dont seen the yellowing for n diff
take a look at the refrance picture it dont look like mag what ppl have said

Gareth Jehan

Well-Known Member
Your temps are a little high and they look like they're starving. How much feed per litre are you using?
Hey pal, I thought the ideal temp is 28. And am only feeding them a couple of ml per litre of water as I do not wanna over nute them at this stage. it does say give them 5ml of my nutes per litre but that seemed like too much aswell as giving them Nitrozyme plus mag/cal. Do you think it's ok to give them the recommended amount at this stage 2 weeks? And yeah just found the feeding schedule and downloaded it. Attached is the schedule. Cheers



Active Member
do you have good air flow you could have no air flow and temp be 27 and have a air flow of 25m3/per hour and still have the same temp its about air exchange what size cf and fan you got and what intake fan aswell as you useing a ocilating fan on the plants

Gareth Jehan

Well-Known Member
heat stress as the leave edges are curling up dont think its mag dif as no classic signs for mag dif i dont seen the yellowing for n diff
take a look at the refrance picture it dont look like mag what ppl have said
Hey yeah I am starting to think its heat now as it's the most common suggestion I thought 28 was a good temp or is it too high for seedlings. I have also read that the fan blowing directly on them aint good. Is it a good idea to feed them the recommended amount of nutes because that would mean giving seedlings 5ml of grow nutes 0.5-1ml mag/cal and 5ml Nitozyme that seems like a lot for smallish plants. cheers for the help

Gareth Jehan

Well-Known Member
do you have good air flow you could have no air flow and temp be 27 and have a air flow of 25m3/per hour and still have the same temp its about air exchange what size cf and fan you got and what intake fan aswell as you useing a ocilating fan on the plants
Hey yeah i have a rotating fan and a 4 inch extration filter fan taking the air out, but dont have it on all the time coz the temp wasnt very high is it a good idea to keep it on all the time


Well-Known Member
So wait are you using ionic or iConic because you're saying one thing but then showing another...lol. As for the temp, 27 max. Depends were you have you thermostat. If you have it in a corner out of the light reading 28 then your plants are more likely experiencing temps closer to 30. Don't go full strength right away, i can't go more than half with mine before burning the shit out of my girls. Slowly increase until you notice burn then back off to the last dosage that didn't burn. Air flow is very important. Have the fan blowing over them not on them. They should look like they have Parkinson's lol sorry if I offend.


Active Member
if it says on the tin 5ml per lt the basic rule for beginers even know this you half it and if you grow autos half it again
you need to understand the plant you growing at the stage its in


Active Member
Hey yeah i have a rotating fan and a 4 inch extration filter fan taking the air out, but dont have it on all the time coz the temp wasnt very high is it a good idea to keep it on all the time
what size room tent you useing as a 4" extractor and c/f is small very small

Gareth Jehan

Well-Known Member
So wait are you using ionic or iConic because you're saying one thing but then showing another...lol. As for the temp, 27 max. Depends were you have you thermostat. If you have it in a corner out of the light reading 28 then your plants are more likely experiencing temps closer to 30. Don't go full strength right away, i can't go more than half with mine before burning the shit out of my girls. Slowly increase until you notice burn then back off to the last dosage that didn't burn. Air flow is very important. Have the fan blowing over them not on them. They should look like they have Parkinson's lol sorry if offend.
Hey yeah i have a rotating fan and a 4 inch extration filter fan taking the air out, but dont have it on all the time coz the temp wasnt very high is it a good idea to keep it on all the time
Hey yeah it's Ionic im using and I think the fan is to close mine dont look like they got parkinsons they look they just got back from being on a two week bender in Ibiza, i will retract it a bit. yeah I will try and get my own feeding schedule going just adjust it slightly here and there.


Well-Known Member
Heat stress, they are rolling up like that to reduce their leaf surface area/ transpiring too much. They may be thirsty but only water with nutes ever other or third water. Just give them some good ph water for now and pull the light up to about 24 inches. Let them settle for a couple days and then you could lower it a couple more I'd prob stay at about no lower that 20 inches. That strain/ pheno might be more sensitive to the heat/ light.