you bet I can . and I'm single too . how is the housing situation there? Is it easy to find a rental?
ya he would marco i've known nuggs and been to his home numerous times the year we where in cali. and he helped us out alot and is a very stand up straight forward old school guy that would be a great addition to a team that ya can trust to watch ya back like it suppose to be and is a walking book of growing knowledge alsoOh yeah ,nuggs would be great to have up this way
Totally agree with you there GetawayThat Nuggs is an awesome guy! Sounds like a great opportunity...though you will be missed if you do go Nuggs
Immature crap site .facebook !! i know lots of stupid people that have gone on there and got arrested right quick as far as i'm concerned its a po-po hang out so you have fun trying to get any members on here to step into that trap lol...
ya i'm surprised it did !! we had a harsh winter last yeargreenhouse held up well over winter work man
Glad you found out now rather than after you had it all planted .those smart pots are 60 gal? They look taller than the ones I have.started taking supplies from one garden to another spot bigger and better we got lots of geurilla gardens all over the place wood cutters where going to clear cut the spot where this set up was so time to more on haha