Has anyone ordered from midweek song?

If you want a full pack I will load it for you and make the singles into 2.
Let me know before you order and I can get it done while you wait
Yeah I'd like the full pack, and thanks for the fast response. I'll most likely be ordering tomm or Tuesday but I will let you know first before I do. Thanks again I've been looking for this strain forever.
ok will do, what's the best form of payment?
i recomend getting a pre paid visa at your local gas station.. ive maid several orders with my pre pay and no problems.. my regular credit card would not do international payments, so it depends on your credit card and if they will transfer funds over seas.. make sure if u buy a pre paid its an international card...
i recomend getting a pre paid visa at your local gas station.. ive maid several orders with my pre pay and no problems.. my regular credit card would not do international payments, so it depends on your credit card and if they will transfer funds over seas.. make sure if u buy a pre paid its an international card...
Ok will do, I had trouble finding a visa for international orders last time, I seen a MasterCard that would but nobody hardly accepts those anymore.
i recomend getting a pre paid visa at your local gas station.. ive maid several orders with my pre pay and no problems.. my regular credit card would not do international payments, so it depends on your credit card and if they will transfer funds over seas.. make sure if u buy a pre paid its an international card...
I wouldn't waste your time with this. to many moving parts the cops won't busy down your door for a few seeds. People are shipping illegal steroids and pounds of matijuana that's what thy are looking for
I wouldn't waste your time with this. to many moving parts the cops won't busy down your door for a few seeds. People are shipping illegal steroids and pounds of matijuana that's what thy are looking for
im a legal caregivver so no worrys, my credit card and bank do not work outside america.. so i buy international pre paid cards just for orders for seeds n roids that are over sea.. works well and its not like i dont have to go to gas stations anyways so why not get a card or add money to the pre pay wile im there..
im a legal caregivver so no worrys, my credit card and bank do not work outside america.. so i buy international pre paid cards just for orders for seeds n roids that are over sea.. works well and its not like i dont have to go to gas stations anyways so why not get a card or add money to the pre pay wile im there..
Hell yeah I'm a scrawny lil fucker I could use some roids also lol!
Hell yeah I'm a scrawny lil fucker I could use some roids also lol!
bbmeds.com all your roid needs one stop shop..but be carefull roids are mentally addicting,, your confidence inflates as big as your muscles and the anger can be a problem if u dont control it.. but damn im 41 and feel like im 18!!!
Hell yeah I'm a scrawny lil fucker I could use some roids also lol!
bbmeds.com all your roid needs one stop shop..but be carefull roids are mentally addicting,, your confidence inflates as big as your muscles and the anger can be a problem if u dont control it.. but damn im 41 and feel like im 18!!!
Wow I'm gonna go check it right now. I'm interested in the HGH or human growth horomone.
bbmeds.com all your roid needs one stop shop..but be carefull roids are mentally addicting,, your confidence inflates as big as your muscles and the anger can be a problem if u dont control it.. but damn im 41 and feel like im 18!!!

That shit will kill ya dude.... and it makes your pecker really small. :-)
That shit will kill ya dude.... and it makes your pecker really small. :-)
not true,,if used properly not execive like body builders,,thats abuse and abuse will kill u..if used in small doses and dr.aproved which i am,,and if you know what your taking its actually benaficial to your amune system,labido,skin,muscle to fat ratio etc.. once again thats if u dont abuse it stay within the male test range which is 1,500 mg,,most men at the age of 40 are only producing around 500-750 wich is way below what u had in ur twenties..my reg test is low so i take test to keep me at a normal to a bit above normal levels..also it DOES NOT SHRINK UR PEE-PEE, it shrinks ur nuts and only if your using large amounts to shut ur nuts off from producing...test in my opinion should be prescribed by dr.'s to every man age 35 and up...oh and ur nuts go back to regular size wen test is discontinued,,no permenent damage,,unless severly abused
Wow I'm gonna go check it right now. I'm interested in the HGH or human growth horomone.
now that stuff is expensive,,but its also the reason so many older actors and actresses look so young..if u can afford hgh its considered the fountain of youth by many dr.s ,,unfortunatly u only get it prescribed to u if ur ritch...thats another one i believe every man and women should be prescribed at the age of 30 and over for life..ud look 40 wen ur 60 if used properly pluss any muscle gaind using growth is perminent,,,very good,very expensive..its a shame u have to be ritch to get it prescribed look at hue heffner he takes it daily..thats fact read up on hgh,,its a wonderfull thing,,unfortunate we all arnt getting it once our bones have capped off...
not true,,if used properly not execive like body builders,,thats abuse and abuse will kill u..if used in small doses and dr.aproved which i am,,and if you know what your taking its actually benaficial to your amune system,labido,skin,muscle to fat ratio etc.. once again thats if u dont abuse it stay within the male test range which is 1,500 mg,,most men at the age of 40 are only producing around 500-750 wich is way below what u had in ur twenties..my reg test is low so i take test to keep me at a normal to a bit above normal levels..also it DOES NOT SHRINK UR PEE-PEE, it shrinks ur nuts and only if your using large amounts to shut ur nuts off from producing...test in my opinion should be prescribed by dr.'s to every man age 35 and up...oh and ur nuts go back to regular size wen test is discontinued,,no permenent damage,,unless severly abused

Yeah I have a friend that was prescribed it and he loves it. Says he feels 10 years younger. I would just be concerned that my body would stop producing it if it were being artificially supplemented.

I was kidding about the pecker shrinkage btw. :-)