Tesla battery pack


Well-Known Member
Very interesting and a lot of potential. Solar panels and the invertor etc. could add up, but $3500 isn't a crazy price for a new product launch. I can see the price coming down as they get more popular. I'd be interested in going completely off grid... Annette Verschuren is a smart lady, I had an opportunity to hear her speak at a seminar when I worked for Home Depot.


Well-Known Member
This is the future. I wonder if the govt is working on a plan to tax the sun's rays? We just cant have people getting free anything now can we?
A reporter asked Albert Einstein what it was like to be the smartest man on the Earth and he replied 'ask Nicola Tesla'


Well-Known Member
One of my employees went for a ride in aTesla last week. He said the thing was a rocket and completely silent. The lady told him it will travel 600km on $3.50 worth of hydro
Yes I was paying him at the time to go joy riding with some old rich doll

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
If they were half the price, they would be great for a UPS..short outages, interuptions...the common stuff.


Well-Known Member
too bad canadian patients cant afford their weed, let alone a 3500 battery pack+ install and so much more


Well-Known Member
This is the future. I wonder if the govt is working on a plan to tax the sun's rays? We just cant have people getting free anything now can we?
A reporter asked Albert Einstein what it was like to be the smartest man on the Earth and he replied 'ask Nicola Tesla'
One power district has already pushed thru a tax for being off grid.


Well-Known Member

Looks like it could power a 600W ballast for 12 hours with one battery. Would pay for itself in 2-3 crops especially if using the Gavita 600W Pro.
The battery is like $3500. You still have to buy the electricity to charge the battery. Using the battery would cost substancialy more than using line current.


Well-Known Member
If they were half the price, they would be great for a UPS..short outages, interuptions...the common stuff.
They say it will keep your house running three hours, if you turn off the heat, A/C, don't cook, and don't watch TV. I don't see them being practicle emergency power when you can buy a generator cheaper that produces 10 times the power indeffinately.


Well-Known Member
somehow that doesn't surprise me but can't you sell any "extra" power you generate? i heard that was possible with people who have solar panels but I am not sure
Depending on where u live they expect you to tie in to the grid and sell back any extra you dont use. However most people dont buy enough equipment and batteries to have much extra. Once your hooked to a smart meter they can easily tell how much u generate and or use. So whats the point.
These tesla powerwalls will run a 600watt light for almost 12 hrs on a full charge. But that amount of power has to come from somewhere so u need either 3-5k worth of solar panels or buy power anyway.
They advertise it as buy when its cheap to charge and use the battery during peak hours. Not practical at all. Yet

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
They say it will keep your house running three hours, if you turn off the heat, A/C, don't cook, and don't watch TV. I don't see them being practicle emergency power when you can buy a generator cheaper that produces 10 times the power indeffinately.
Like I said, they could be used as uninterruptible power supply (UPS) if they were cheaper.



Well-Known Member
somehow that doesn't surprise me but can't you sell any "extra" power you generate? i heard that was possible with people who have solar panels but I am not sure
I don't know how it is all over. I'm sure U can sell it in some areas. From what i hear the rate the power co. pays U for this power is tiny.If U need to buy extra Equip. I doubt it is worth it for the individual.

c ray

Well-Known Member
that's a good price for what you get.. about 1/2 price of average lithium battery prices atm.. solar cells are around $2/watt atm, but they only produce peak wattage in the main part of the day in summer.. so to run a 600w hid bulb for 12hrs would need 1500 watts worth of panels roughly, or more esp. in the winter.. I'd be more apt to spend money on some of them fancy reflective skylights that channel light into a room, and supplement that with LED's.. leds are getting cheap now esp. direct from China..


Well-Known Member
I don't know how it is all over. I'm sure U can sell it in some areas. From what i hear the rate the power co. pays U for this power is tiny.If U need to buy extra Equip. I doubt it is worth it for the individual.
In the US, power companies are required by law to buy your surplus power at the same rate they buy it from other sources. In my area, they use net billing, meaning they give you the full retail price up to a certain level. After that level is reached, $0.04 per kW, what they pay for wholesale power. They also require you to give them the renewable energy credits, which may be a violation of the Federal law.