Badass Movie Scenes!


Well-Known Member
Best John Wayne scene ever....

Just who in the hell do you think you are?!

Jacob McCandles...

Well...I uh.....I thought you was dead, Mr.Candles....

...not hardly......"

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Well-Known Member
Heeeey - YOU told me of the Oldboy, right?

I still can't fins a Korean Download that isn't a virus. Maybe I'll just try for a stream next time.
Yep, that was me. That's weird because when I was told about it, I downloaded it no problem. Granted, that was probably a year ago.


Well-Known Member
Yep, that was me. That's weird because when I was told about it, I downloaded it no problem. Granted, that was probably a year ago.
I;m like 90% sure that the Korean one I downloaded was a virus and I now can't delete it from my computer.


Anywho - it'll be fine. I'll find someone to hack the mainframe for me soon.

Excellent suggestion though - the merican one was still really good.