We may be standing on the verge of world war


Well-Known Member
I am no nut nor am I a conspiracy freak, how ever we may be standing on the verge of world war. As anyone who watches the news knows the Georgian Republic and Russia have begun fighting a war. Now this might not in and of itself mean a lot to us however the US has sided with Georgia, telling Russia in simple terms to go home and leave this alone. Georgia as a lot of people might know have the 3rd largest amount of troupes in the Iraq war next to the US and Britain. Form what I have read Russia does not seem to want to back down as they feel Russians have lost their lives. Now this tiny war might not mean anything how ever if the USA was to mobilize any troupes against Russia THIS would start the next world war. And folks when the worlds 2 largest nuclear super powers start fighting chances are very slim things will end well.

Anyone else following this at all and if so what are your thoughts


Well-Known Member
My thoughts are simple, thank god I'm moving to Alaska in 3 weeks. On a more serious note, I think Russia will pull back if things get too heated... they wouldn't want to risk war with us, it would be suicide for both nations.


Well-Known Member
no I don't think that at all. I think Russia would be okay with going to war with us and I think we would be too. not the citizens, but you know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
War against russians!? Havent our grandfathers been waiting on this one? lol

It wont happen, But if it did...

Id like to be far away from the blast. someone would get nuked kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Your thread started with the premiss that the Earth is on the edge of a world war. The sad reality is this, everyday since 1950 that statement has been true. The thing that changes are the situations and the countries involved.

I do not believe Russia and Georgia will start WWIII. A more likely start to Armageddon is Iran sending a nuke to Israel. Then Israel sends nukes to Iran and Syria.


New Member
i agree w/ mock, world war 3 will be started between iran and isreal!! that nut in power in iran may even try to invade iraq when troops leave (?) there!!


Well-Known Member
Your thread started with the premiss that the Earth is on the edge of a world war. The sad reality is this, everyday since 1950 that statement has been true. The thing that changes are the situations and the countries involved.
i sometimes wonder if it would be such a bad thing. a limited nuclear exchange, the decimation of a major portion of the population and the lingering memory in the minds of the survivors of just how far a little bit of saber rattling can go (provided, of course, that there are survivors). a bit of a return to savagery to remind us that we are merely residents here and a lasting monument of the foolishness of our quest for dominion.

i must be a little depressed this morning. i usually don't go into these fatalistic funks unless i've been drinking.


Well-Known Member
I watched a bit about this last night and it seems to me the U.S concern with the region is the georgia has a huge oil pipeline running thru it from the caspian sea. It skirts the southern border of georgia, staying clear of russia and iran. coupled with the fact that the U.S is pushing for georgia to be part of NATO. they are most concerned with keeping that pipeline safe. Looks like it all about the oil. Funny how I really don't even know what they are fighting about all I hear about is the U.S involvement. And it being agian about oil.


New Member
these people live in the dark ages, they've been fighting the same wars every ten years or so!! they have forgotten what stated they're hatred of one another!!! it all started over a goat thousands and thousands of years ago. the goat shit in his neighbor yard and his wife stepped in it, so the rocks started flowing and to this day they continue only w/ "rock"ets!!!!!!! it's all ignorance for humanity!!!!!!!!!! where did this come from!!! i need a toke!!!!:joint:


Well-Known Member
Your thread started with the premiss that the Earth is on the edge of a world war. The sad reality is this, everyday since 1950 that statement has been true. The thing that changes are the situations and the countries involved.

I do not believe Russia and Georgia will start WWIII. A more likely start to Armageddon is Iran sending a nuke to Israel. Then Israel sends nukes to Iran and Syria.
Thats where my moneys on..for a major war to start..then Russia and China would help their Iranian allies....and we're off to the races...
better start talking iodine now.............:-|


Well-Known Member
Look at russias leader.
He's a fucking nut job, all russian leaders have been.

China will side with Russia. (communism connection..kinda.. )
Japan has a score to settle with america. (nagasaki and heroshima)
Iraq would probably side with russia because their enemy has been the georgian peeps..

England should just stay the fuck out of it.

War = money.
War = Totalitarian re..rea.. ah fuck knows how to spell it.

After this war terrorism scares are gonna cause the government to tighten it's grip on civilians.

That's my view.

A good quote i read once..

"The 3rd world war will be fought with nuclear bombs.
The 4th world war will be fought with sticks and stones."

or something along those lines.


Well-Known Member
these people live in the dark ages, they've been fighting the same wars every ten years or so!! they have forgotten what stated they're hatred of one another!!! it all started over a goat thousands and thousands of years ago. the goat shit in his neighbor yard and his wife stepped in it, so the rocks started flowing and to this day they continue only w/ "rock"ets!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Look at russias leader.
He's a fucking nut job, all russian leaders have been.

China will side with Russia. (communism connection..kinda.. )
Japan has a score to settle with america. (nagasaki and heroshima)
Iraq would probably side with russia because their enemy has been the georgian peeps..

England should just stay the fuck out of it.

War = money.
War = Totalitarian re..rea.. ah fuck knows how to spell it.

After this war terrorism scares are gonna cause the government to tighten it's grip on civilians.

That's my view.

A good quote i read once..

"The 3rd world war will be fought with nuclear bombs.
The 4th world war will be fought with sticks and stones."

or something along those lines.
Einstien was ask what weapons will they use in WWIII and he said he did not know. But he was sure in WWIV they would be using sticks and stones.


Active Member
i doubt the us will try to butt in this war. With one war going, and an atrocious approval rate, Bush won't be able to get congress to ratify war.


Well-Known Member
i doubt the us will try to butt in this war. With one war going, and an atrocious approval rate, Bush won't be able to get congress to ratify war.
NEWSFLASH! We are already in this war. According to NBC News, US warplanes have secured airspace over the region. We are starting to fly relief into the region for refugees. The Joint Chiefs are concerned about confrontation with Soviet Migs.


Well-Known Member
I am no nut nor am I a conspiracy freak, how ever we may be standing on the verge of world war. As anyone who watches the news knows the Georgian Republic and Russia have begun fighting a war. Now this might not in and of itself mean a lot to us however the US has sided with Georgia, telling Russia in simple terms to go home and leave this alone. Georgia as a lot of people might know have the 3rd largest amount of troupes in the Iraq war next to the US and Britain. Form what I have read Russia does not seem to want to back down as they feel Russians have lost their lives. Now this tiny war might not mean anything how ever if the USA was to mobilize any troupes against Russia THIS would start the next world war. And folks when the worlds 2 largest nuclear super powers start fighting chances are very slim things will end well.

Anyone else following this at all and if so what are your thoughts
that's true, something as small as this could start another world war. just look at how the first world war started, it was started because a wrong turn was made.