First Time For Everything


Well-Known Member
The autos are coming along and at least 2 will be done in probably less than 2 weeks. I'll try and post pics as soon as I can. They're inside the 5x5 with the other 3 photos now.


Well-Known Member
Ok just a few pics to update this grow. I now have a total of 7 photos ( 2 wappa, 4 critical kush, 1 starbud ). I also have 5 pyramid seeds auto white widows. Surprisingly these white widows are very impressive. Buds are literally drenched in crystals. All seem to be uniform in height and structure. The tallest is about 36" while the shortest about 32". The cks I tied them up pretty good. Maybe too well. Just one covers the 4x4 tent the long way. Didn't know how I expected to put 4 of these in a 4x4. And the haven't even went through stretch yet. The wappas since not tied down as well seem to be a bit bushier. Im sure in the next couple of weeks I'll be tying them down more and more. At least 2 or 3 times per week. No more big plants for me. Lol. I think I'll just stick to smaller , maybe 35 day veg, plants. I'll just have to add more.


Well-Known Member
Its 3 days into flower now. Not real sure on causing stress by topping it 2 weeks into flower. I'd hate to have it start to Hermie.


Well-Known Member
A little update. Ok so my 5auto are coming along well. Crazy but one of the colas on my biggest plant seems about ready to harvest. She's only 61 days old. I checked under a loupe and the cola is about 5% amber. Crazy because the bottom portion of the plant seems she could go another 3 weeks. So what I plan to do is maybe cut the cola in a day or two and continue to let her go until the bottom portion is done. 2 other girls colas is not far behind. Maybe a week or so. Those show no amber but are about 65% cloudy, 35% clear. I'll keep y'all posted.


Well-Known Member
Ok so good news. All 7 plants have shown sex completely. They all have white hairs coming out. Proud papa of septuplets. Lol. They've not stretched too much as of yet. I'm hoping the won't stretch much at all. I'm almost out of room vertically. Tbh not much room horizontally either. But I guess better to be too big growing out than up. The wappas branches, however, seem stiff and can't really bend them much without possible damage. But I gotta do it damage or not. Just gotta be careful. Its been 6 days since flip.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Starting to get pretty crowded in there. Like a jungle in a 5x5 tent. Unfortunately the are growing outward rather than upward. The tallest auto is about 2 feet tall and not very wide , while the tallest of the wappas and critical kushes is only about 15 inches but easily 18 inches wide. The shortest of these is about 9 inches tall and 12 inches wide. Overall I'm pleased so far.
I would have vegged in 4x4 and flowered in 5x5. If your 5x5 is overcrowded during veg, think how over crowded it will be in a 4x4.


Well-Known Member
I would have vegged in 4x4 and flowered in 5x5. If your 5x5 is overcrowded during veg, think how over crowded it will be in a 4x4.
M still flowering in the 5x5. I was planning on flowering in the 4x4. But its just not possible. Once the 5 autos finish I'll have a little more room. They're just so fucking big. I'll only grow medium sized plants from here on out. One plant is at least 4 feet across already and they haven't started to really stretch.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member

M still flowering in the 5x5. I was planning on flowering in the 4x4. But its just not possible. Once the 5 autos finish I'll have a little more room. They're just so fucking big. I'll only grow medium sized plants from here on out. One plant is at least 4 feet across already and they haven't started to really stretch.
Yea, giving the plants more space usually gives for larger yields. Over crowding severely drops yield, too crowded for any penetration.


Well-Known Member
Ok 8th day of flower. Noticed white hairs about 3 days ago. They're gaining a few more but not as fast as I'd like. The auto are trucking along. The most developed one is pretty ripe but I still don't see many red trichomes. About 70 cloudy 28% clear and maybe 2% amber. But the bottom of the plant is still pretty underdeveloped. Maybe I'll cut the cola this weekend, set the pot on a box and let go another week or so. All 4 others will need at least another 7-10 days. Maybe more. But I'm content with the progress.


Well-Known Member
Well a bit of a problem. The other day it was 88 degrees outside and my tent got pretty hot. 83 degrees. I turned it down to 750 watts and it cooled down some. Also it was raining outside (as it'll do a lot over the next month and a half) and humidity went up to almost 70%. Its back around 55 now but that's still too high. Especially since I'm growing big plants. Can't risk bud rot. So I guess I'm going to have to buy a portable air conditioner. Can't use window unit cause of the crazy shape and dimensions. This should help with heat and also lower humidity. Just don't really have the money right now. Hopefully soon.


Well-Known Member
Well the top cola is pretty much ready. Under the loupe I see about 10% amber, 65% cloudy and about 25% clear. Tomorrow I'll be chopping the top cola. Gonna let the rest of the plant continue until I see the same results as the cola. The other 4 autos are trucking along. 3 of the 5 autos will be pulled, or at least partially pulled within 7-10 more days.


Well-Known Member
Omg I can't believe how fruity these girls smell. Its unbelievable. Not really sure if its the strain or if its the super soil its been feeding on. It has a sort of fruity pebbles smell. Or take apples, oranges,grapes, peaches, pears mango and any other fruit you can think of, mix them together and throw some skunk piss inside and these are how my girls are smelling. I've never smelled anything like it before.


Well-Known Member
Ok just cut down the top cola of one of the 5 autos an two small side branches. Could've let them go maybe another week but I think they're fine. Only about 5% amber 65% cloudy and 30% clear. Hope its some good smoke. Its 65 days from sprout. Gonna let the rest of the plant go for at least another week. Here's a pic of the cola and an up close pic.

