The UK Growers Thread!


Again where's your proof???
16 oz 1 plant is easily pullable with right genetics technique and a LONG ASS veg time what no one got time for unlike fucktards like you SO YOU SAY
30 days veg 1000w light and ur wright i dont have the pix.


Well-Known Member
U came on here calling people's yield shit before knowing any facts that's y people are being dicks with you no pics no nothing think about it


Well-Known Member
1 per 1000watt light total 12 plants 12 1000w light total of 12000watts. but i dident join this to argue or for a dick measuring contest
you can do it with scrogin and using the wright nutrients
12,000 watt grow ok mate yh im sure
pics else its all bollox
and dont be using other peoples pics your just a stupid little gob shite wanna be grower most prob and just hating on the brothers from another mothers


Well-Known Member
get sum pics uploaded and people might start take u serious as too many fake ass cunts talk the talk but cant upload any pics to back it up @mp08