Ph problems


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I have a pH question. I have a plant with ph lockout. I'm in pro mix hp soilless mix. So I ph like hydro. I'm flushing a plant that's in flower with water PHed @6.0 with runoff @ 6.6. I want runoff at 6.0 and I have put almost 15 gallons thru with no change. Should I ph water lower to compensate?



Well-Known Member
Not sure about your soil/soilless, does it contain dolomite or dolomitic lime? If it does it acts like a ph buffer. If your runoff is at 6.6 I would be happy with that in soil/soilless mix. Try flushing or feeding with 5.0 or 5.5 pH and see if that will get it lower. How does that plant look?


Well-Known Member
If its yellowing throughout the whole plant it could be too high and locking out iron. Again I'm not familiar with promix or anything like it, I use coco. How do you pH your nutes/water? What brand of pH up is it? Maybe pH and let it sit for a day, check and adjust before using.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I have a pH question. I have a plant with ph lockout. I'm in pro mix hp soilless mix. So I ph like hydro. I'm flushing a plant that's in flower with water PHed @6.0 with runoff @ 6.6. I want runoff at 6.0 and I have put almost 15 gallons thru with no change. Should I ph water lower to compensate?
first things first YOU DONT GET LOCK OUT IN SOIL soil will always buffer a ph no matter what unless u are chucking a ph at 2-3 thru it that will fuck ur plants up hard


Well-Known Member
first things first YOU DONT GET LOCK OUT IN SOIL soil will always buffer a ph no matter what unless u are chucking a ph at 2-3 thru it that will fuck ur plants up hard
my outdoors sit on a ph of 9 all the time with no issues do use really think im gunna be running around doing ph to about 200ltrs of water ??



Well-Known Member
Hey guys I have a pH question. I have a plant with ph lockout. I'm in pro mix hp soilless mix. So I ph like hydro. I'm flushing a plant that's in flower with water PHed @6.0 with runoff @ 6.6. I want runoff at 6.0 and I have put almost 15 gallons thru with no change. Should I ph water lower to compensate?
because it is budding it is useing up all the nutes that it can from the leaves as it is in ur plant to fix that u can add some veg nutes to ur flower nutes and water or just bump your mill rate up by 1


Well-Known Member
Thanks all for in put. I flushed about 12 gals of water PHed at 6.0 with no change to the run off at 6.6 then I flushed 3-4 gals more PHed at 5.5, also with no change to the 6.6 runoff (in fact, it actually went up to 6.8???) so then I gave up on flushing and fed a good flower feeding with a little extra nitrogen. We will see what happens...

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
if you are using promix ,you should be running 6.5 anyway ,feed that bitch and up the calimagic and it will pull around,i started out with it and gave me nothing but problems . i was always checking ph in and out ,ppm&ec in and out to i almost worrid my self to death,i finally started mixing ph feed and watched them to they went into jars.


Well-Known Member
yeah thats def nitrogen, they're just hungry. a lot of bloom nutrients are too low in nitrogen, and too high in p. high p will block out micronutrients as well as hinder nitrogen uptake.
didn't see you mention what nutrient regime you're giving your plants? also promix is not the same as hydro. ph of 6.5 is good. hydro needs a ph of 5.5-6.0, the sweet spot median being 5.8.


Well-Known Member
Most soils are prebuffered. For promix Just ph the water nutrient solution at 6.3 don't worry about the ph of the runoff. If your testing runoff check the ppms not ph. If you're having lockout your ppm of the runoff will be a lot higher that the solution you're putting in because the plant is not absorbing the nutrients.