HELP!! extreme pruning for Buds


Well-Known Member
Sup guys, I'ma get straight to it. So this is my first attempt growing and everything is all good. Never even seen a cannabis plant let alone try and grow one. My baby girl is 45 days old today. 5 days under 12/12. She was looking so beautiful and vigorous. Still beautiful in my opinion. But I've became greedy and tied down, super cropped, and pruned the fuck out of her for tops and bug bud. And now I'ma little paranoid, wondering if she gonna recover. Please someone tell me she'll survive. Might have cut off 50- 75 leaves.
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New Member
1st) Great job for your first time growing.

2nd) she'll recover very quickly so long as you keep her healthy.

3rd) I'd remove those pipe cleaners and instead use "plastic" twisty ties…reason being is that those pipe cleaners can possibly collect mildew and spores and also, the wire inside is much too thin and could possibly cut into the stems as they begin to stretch.

phil k

Well-Known Member
i strip my flowers to main colas all the time.. no worries.. but rule of thumb stick to only every removing around 15% of either leaves or clones .. less stress on your plants. my moms that are large i only take AT MOST 6-12 clones off it every other week generally.. when you really strip them a lot at once when they are young they can become stressed..but yours are fine... or at least look fine... id pull the pipe cleaners too i highly doubt they will really cause a issue but better safe than sorry. use garden ties any home depot or garden store will sell it .. its a green wire and normally is like 3$ for a roll.


Well-Known Member
1reat job for your first time growing.

2nd) she'll recover very quickly so long as you keep her healthy.

3rd) I'd remove those pipe cleaners and instead use "plastic" twisty ties…reason being is that those pipe cleaners can possibly collect mildew and spores and also, the wire inside is much too thin and could possibly cut into the stems as they begin to stretch.
Thanks you dont know how much i needed to hear that. Pheww!