Why get stoned?


Okay, that lost me. I have always thought of high vs stoned as two different degrees of the same feeling, high being less than stoned. I'm not sure why you can think when stoned, but not when high. As far as I can discern, I've not experienced difficulties with cognitive processes, and I feel a lot sharper when using Blue Dream than when not, but I haven't noticed a discernable difference when I've had too much (stoned) vs when I'm high. I have never experienced words and letters having different meanings, although I have experienced not being able to read average sized writing (although I can still read street signs).

I do agree that everything tastes better and touch is much more pronounced, but I have not experienced EVERYTHING being better. I've never had the munchies, but like I said everything tastes better so I tend to eat different things just to see what it tastes like.

Ok a little background. I'm on lots of anti psychotic and depressant drugs. Plus stuff to treat my rage and keep me out of prison. I guess that gives me an added effect. When I'm high its a funny drunk. When I'm stoned everything is opened and changed.

Okay, I understand why people want to get high, it is pleasant. But just like I do not understand why people drink to get drunk, I can't get my head around why anyone would want to get stoned. My girlfriend and I went to a party, and all she wanted to do was sit in the back and do dabs. It was the most boring party I have ever went to, but she thinks it was a great time (and apparently did not notice that I was bored out of my mind).

What exactly is the mentality that makes a person want to smoke weed to the point that they are basically incapacitated?
You're just a lame duck .I would have had a great time with your gf.
You're just a lame duck .I would have had a great time with your gf.

Mr sunshine the man. My wife loves the stuff as well so I'm really happy. Johny? Everybody is different. Once you go somewhere you love you want to return many times. Best way to add a definition to it. I just hate all day hangovers. Thats why I gave up that poison alcohol.

Clearly you have never met my family.
Yeah, I come from a long line of Irishmen that drink way too much. I kind of feel bad for anyone that feels they have to get drunk (or stoned for that matter) in order to have a good time.

Don't get me wrong, there are things that I only like to do when high (like bowling), and I only smoke cigars when I drink whiskey, but I have never understood why anyone would voluntarily get drunk. I've never personally seen the lack of judgment and control when high that I get when drunk although I do know people that do really stupid things when high.
Yeah, I come from a long line of Irishmen that drink way too much. I kind of feel bad for anyone that feels they have to get drunk (or stoned for that matter) in order to have a good time.

Don't get me wrong, there are things that I only like to do when high (like bowling), and I only smoke cigars when I drink whiskey, but I have never understood why anyone would voluntarily get drunk. I've never personally seen the lack of judgment and control when high that I get when drunk although I do know people that do really stupid things when high.

That makes sense Johnny. You are not lame or uncool or what ever they say. You have a solid reason for your thought. I respect people that go there own way and not follow the crowd.

I'm a big fan of Blue Dream as it is the best thing to have first thing in the morning. Is it similar?
I smoked that once and I liked it a lot. I grow blue thino which is seriously knockout, so no. Even I need a siesta daily with that one.
A girl I know used to get Jamaican dream off me so she could do her graphic design studies at night, all through the night.
That happened a few times before I quit smoking like that. I experienced horrible withdrawal symptoms when I attempted to stop cold turkey. I still smoke daily, multiple times a day, but it's usually just a hit or 2 from the pen. People get very defensive over smoking because society tells you it's harmless and you're an idiot for thinking otherwise.
LMAO, cold turkey? you can't go cold turkey on weed you got problems I quit weed a few times only thing that was hard was heroin cold turkey I was pissing out my ass for days still had the shits for like 2 weeks, pain, no sleep, can't eat I'd have a couple crackers and try to hold it down. I successfully went cold turkey it was hell but if you want off you will get off just got to want it.
LMAO, cold turkey? you can't go cold turkey on weed you got problems I quit weed a few times only thing that was hard was heroin cold turkey I was pissing out my ass for days still had the shits for like 2 weeks, pain, no sleep, can't eat I'd have a couple crackers and try to hold it down. I successfully went cold turkey it was hell but if you want off you will get off just got to want it.

I mean it's entirely likely I'm just a big pussy but I felt nauseous and couldn't eat or sleep for almost a week and that was enough for me to say fuck it. I lost 3 lbs in a week and weigh 125 lbs. This was in the middle of my crazy dabbing phase and went for a long trip and didn't think anything of it. I'd stopped smoking for months at a time in the past and didn't give a shit but for some reason it fucking sucked last time I stopped. I also didn't NEED to stop for any reason other than personal.
More than likely it was harder because of the concentration of what you smoked. Glad you still could come down.
