underwatering or overwatering?


Active Member
Hey guys just wondering but about when leaves start going down like in the pic? Is this a sign of over or uunderwatering plants? Why im asking this way is because i have really well drainage and no water just sits in the soil its all drained out ... I am on week 5 of veg but am running obly a couple of cfls that is why it looks loke a christmas tree and not a bush but i have a 400 watt mh and hps light on its way should be here by friday. Oh and my soil is jiffy seed starter mix with about 20-30 percent perlite added into the mix



Well-Known Member
When you water soil, you're supposed to add enough so some drains out the bottom, then wait to water again until it's mostly dry.


Well-Known Member
How often are you watering? Most of the times I see problems with people over watering its not how much water they give during each watering, its the frequency in which they are watered.


Active Member
top of your soil looks very dry.... if it's all that dry under watering.... also looks like a lot of stretching put the light closer if you can. In 5 gal pots I water once or twice a week only.... give it a decent amount each time... I let it dry out fully. I pick up the pots to see if they need water. Over time you will see when they need water just picking the pot up. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
top of your soil looks very dry.... if it's all that dry under watering.... also looks like a lot of stretching put the light closer if you can. In 5 gal pots I water once or twice a week only.... give it a decent amount each time... I let it dry out fully. I pick up the pots to see if they need water. Over time you will see when they need water just picking the pot up. Good luck!
The top of my soil in 10g pots will be bone dry in a day but underneath will be wet for a week if they are clones. All depends on your plant size, I have to water my 10g every 2-3 days when they are at their largest, drinking the most water. I have to do they same in my 200g out side when they are huge. Picking up the pot is a good way to figure out how dry they are. Just get a feel for it right after you water so you can see hoe heavy it is when completely wet. Then you can gauge when its dry


Active Member
Oh ok i never thought about piking up the container to feel the weight but that does make sense, i water about half to a litrle over half a gallon twice a week in a 5 gallon pot.... And in a day the top layers and up to my first nuckel is bone dry.... So in A 5 gal its best tp watee every 2-3 days?


Well-Known Member
By looking at the size of the plant in that pic and it being in a 5g pot, id say your wayering too much if your giving it over a half gallon twice a week.


Active Member
Ok so with what the plant is doing bending the leave down a little, is that a sign of over watering or lack of lights?


Active Member
Ok sounds good im.planning on tryomg a little under a half gallon every 3-4 days next waterwatering..... And then go.from there
Thanks for.the information!!


Well-Known Member
I do everything by eye, but my 10g get about 2-2.5 gallons when plants are full grown. You really want to let it dry out completely before watering again


Active Member
Ok sounds good so i think.i got Everything i need to knoe about the watering so i just have one more question. Do you guys know abything about mildew and how i can eliminate it? I was misguided in the fact i thought humidity levels needed to be in the 70 percents for veg but come to find out its 40-50 percent for veg... So now mildew sprang up on the tips, so i cut the tips off from what i read online, and i am going to be trying to buy either eco smart organic fungicide or safer brand organic garden fungicide any thoughts? Because i wanna try and get the eco one because.its a lecithin base and i hear i can use this in flower with no ill effects?