ha nah just lords of salem
SUPER good to know - thanks.

I wish someone would watch all the horror movies on netflix and then tell me which ones I should bother with and which I should ignore. Some are "not bad", I saw one called "The Ward" that I think was pretty decent.

But most I end up turning off half way or less through. I don't have time for bad movies in my life.
anyone seen the new poltergeist?
Is it in theatres? I think I saw a teaser commercial and not a full one...let me check...

Ooooh - never saw this trailer! YAY!

The second poltergeist? The one where they were in the appt building in the city. That one scared me to DEATH. The way when a character looked in the mirror it would look back at them as a demon with NO EYES!

hahaha, I couldn't sleep in a bed that had mirrors around it, unless I went to bed with an eye mask. Because I couldn't stop myself from getting up in the middle of the night and looking in that mirror and seeing myself as a scary no-eyed DEMON!!!

I have an active imagination.

Some peoples bad is other peoples good, so best just to watch them all :)
I often do, and regret it. Some are just plain BAD.
He's a director lol.

The Fly, Scanners, the Deadzone, the Brood, Naked Lunch and a ton of others.

Oh WEED! hahaha

THAT'S why the name sounded cray familiar. A bunch of the ones you just names I have no idea about.

The Deadzone? Maybe I've seen that


Nope - haven't seen it.

Naked Lunch - don't think so


Ooooh - that one looks cool as hell.

You know a lot about scary movies!!!!! Yay - can I keep you?
The Deadzone is really good, Naked Lunch is weird as hell.
Weird as hell is often my jam.

I just don't really like the violence just for the sake of it. Like Hostel, after the first one. I don't give a fuck to see someone get dissected. I like a story.

I also like aliens and monsters and ghouls. I like it all pretty much.
When I was younger, i lived right at the bottom of a road named Hicks rd. in San Jose, Ca. The story going around was that there was a family of satanic worshipping albinos far up the rd. I've been all up and down that rd, and never seen any albinos. Bummer. Anyways, not too long ago some SJSU student made a scary movie about it. Sort of low budget lol
No I haven't seen it, that's why I was asking. It was a made for TV movie, not sure where I could watch it now though.
SAW IT!!!!

Super good.

The book/ short story was AWESOME too.

They did a really good job of adapting to the screen, I think. I like the main character actress.

This movie isn't scary - but I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!

"The Monster Squad"

11311862_379037722306589_824431215_n.jpg 11272076_379037775639917_1875932170_n.jpg

I saw it in the movie theatre for a birthday party when it came out....TOO FUN.

OOOOOOooooh - just found THIS:

Watching it tonight FUR SURE!!!