RIU Summer Fishing Trips


Well-Known Member
Lets go fishing!
Looks like we have a bit of interest in a fishing "get together" by a few of us members. Please all interested add suggestions on where and when to do this. Here's my thoughts.
3 Trips, one in June, one in July, and one in August. We can have our own fishing derby.
1) Salmon fishing off a charter near camping. I believe Bodega Bay has near by camping, can't be U.S. Forest service land or National parks for camping, both federal.
2) Delta fishing trip or Northern Ca. fishing. Lake, river, whatever. I know nothing of those fishing/camping areas up north, but know of a few on the delta/Sac river.
3) High Sierra/Eastern sierra trout fishing. I know many spots to fish on the "east side", not sure where to camp though. Maybe in the high desert near one of the hot springs?

Lots of research needed for all locations, any and all suggestions welcome.
Subbed up! I have only fished in the lake and just inside the delta. Don't know what kind of "sea legs" I would have if I went out into deeper water. LOL Either way I am in for at least one!
please reminder no talk of selling,trading, seeds etc on open forum,
these rules are for everyone, while i realize most people are legal this has to be enforced as we are a world wide website.

good luck on your fishing trip and have fun folks , but please be mindful of our rules, they are here for a reason.
Let me tell you what I know about ocean salmon fishing. Most of the salmon in/off cali are headed for one of the rivers to spawn. The gather outside the Golden Gate & when conditions are right they move from the ocean to the rivers. Most pass thru SF bay & into one of the rivers thru the delta. These runs usually last from a few days to a couple of weeks. If you can time it correctly, & hit a run, it's a guarantee limit (2) of salmon. The trick is the timing. The difference in 1 week can be HUGE...
Because I live within 1.5hrs of the bay, what I usually do with near 90% success is watch the fish reports, & when I see "limits"...I drop everything & go....Kinda like they do the Maverick big wave surf contest...
6-21-2012 King salmon 001.jpg
It's probably farther than most want to travel, but Lake Siskiyou near Mt. Shasta is a great place to camp and it's private. The lake is stocked regularly by the nearby hatchery and from there you have a lot of water to choose from; the Upper Sacramento, the McCloud, McCloud reservoir, Medicine Lake to the northeast, south to Lake Shasta, north to the Klamath, south east to Hat Creek and the Pit River, west to the Trinity, plus many glacially carved high country lakes. This is a world class trout fishing area, but it's not always easy. I'm going up next week and every month through September. I go for the hiking more than fishing, but I always take a rod with me.
Loepard shark fishing is pretty fun as well! you go out by the golden gate and alcatraz and pull in some big fish. I know a guy that runs a charter boat that's cool with smoking. everyone on the boat got their limit last august!
@nuggs I'm ready to go any time you are! I love striper fishing! I have plenty of poles and gear! I usually use top water lures and plug in the mornings and then switch to some swimbait in the afternoon or troll some 3D yo zuri minnows if there's no action casting.
We should see about getting a boat to go out in june from the bay to catch salmon. get everyone that wants to go together and take over the whole boat. anytime you treeman and I can go to rio vista for a striper hunt. my bigger boat fishes 3-4 easy
We should see about getting a boat to go out in june from the bay to catch salmon. get everyone that wants to go together and take over the whole boat. anytime you treeman and I can go to rio vista for a striper hunt. my bigger boat fishes 3-4 easy

Any time you and treeman are free, I'm free. Work a day out with him and I'm there! I don't have a "job" and have people that can take care of my house for me on a moments notice!

I usually launch out of Brannen island or Hogback island and work my way between the rio vista and antioch bridges. Really good fishing where the Sac and San Joaquin rivers connect and all up and down steamboat slough

