Random Writing

Blood curdled, cities burned and feelings of nostalgia but, through the eyes all was fine.

Every deception, covert, vice and virtue lie at the hands of the eyes, the eyes gape deep into your psyche and they take what entices them.

They will eventually take control of the earth and every life will be compressed.

Every speck of existence will perish only those who abdicate to the diabolical will survive.

(I apologise for any incorrect grammar)
Blood curdled, cities burned and feelings of nostalgia but, through the eyes all was fine.

Every deception, covert, vice and virtue lie at the hands of the eyes, the eyes gape deep into your psyche and they take what entices them.

They will eventually take control of the earth and every life will be compressed.

Every speck of existence will perish only those who abdicate to the diabolical will survive.

(I apologise for any incorrect grammar)
I like it! Paints the picture of mystique and lost within our own primate selves.

Heres something I wrote not that long ago:

Even when the world takes control right from under our grasp and we feel vulnerable to the much larger world that's lurking over our shoulders. It's when we realize that world we grew wasn't so big after all. That within our hearts we can simmer it down to something much simple, something simplistic yet beautiful. We can embrace this world with open arms, even with all the challenges that may come with it included. That within the turmoil that the world surrounds us with and in spite of what pushes us towards the corner there will always be a way for us to prevail. The purity that overwhelms us with joy when you just take the wall down. To welcome whatever may journey towards you with open arms. Those doubts are fragments of our internal safeguard, but that's only because we understand pain. We understand what it feels like to feel loss. To be consumed with doubt and not know what it is to feel secure. When every day we hold the weight of the world onto our shoulders while it has us locked onto its own sights.

We can find our own place in the world around us if only we stay true to the hope that one day we might walk into a brighter and peaceful future for all of us to share. Sometimes our expectations fog the reality in front of us, binding us to our own little worlds. Sometimes it's so hard to crawl out that world when it's all that we know. That our fear of not knowing what is out there holds us prisoner. But guess what the world out there is vast and infinite. New life flourishes constantly, when it's not externally it's internally. Through a hive mind filled with vibrations that echo of our everyday lives! We are all part of something we could never ever comprehend! But that's not a bad thing! Can't you see it's that hidden in which fragile life is cherished.

We step into different dimensions every day. Every time you meet a new person or even try something simple new. You venture into this broaden horizon of the internal you. Sometimes with even no direction at all, Fuck that! You make your own frequency! Create your own path! Explore these foreign worlds who are all just trying to exist and ask the same questions as those around us. We are connected whether you like it or not. The vibration that excels us is enormous! Sometimes you just have to close your eyes and see where the wind takes you. Pull back the arrow that soars you towards your new destiny. It will all work out as long as you keep fighting, even till the day of your last breath. Keep believing in the new begging that awaits your arrival.

Turn your head towards the sky and see that we are part of this very beautiful place. No matter how many evil villains with hidden agendas and a blood thirst may try to hold us down. We will always soar! The world around is an amazing place and everyone should have to choice to be part of it. Not a single person to be excluded. We're are all here regardless of any justifications! There is something glorious in knowing that redemption can be found for anyone that seeks it. That the love we share for one another completely over throws anything that anyone can throw at us. I understand our tempers may tear us down and try to evaluate who we are sometimes, but do know that pressure can be undone. It's presence isn't something we should be afraid of but instead something that we can stand against and face.

Each one of us come with a different set of challenges that we are faced with. We all share that bitter truth in common. Rich or Poor, there is that fulfillment in any passion you have to be engulfed with. You don't have to believe in world peace to for it to be even considered an option! When any challenge stands in your way, insecurities, doubts, pain, trauma crawl on your back and weigh you down. You got to tear it right off, Don't let it ever slow you down. You have been down this road before! You know exactly what to do and how to do it. Sure everyone seeks guidance in this life time and we will always continue that journey even when we become old and grey. The fire never burns out. Even when our limbs don't work so good and we can't even remember what we did the other week. Know that somehow we're on the path that were meant to be. That each stepping stone is bringing us closer to the new improved us! Everyday draws us closer to the world we were meant to thrive in.

Are you ready to take the plunge into the dream that awaits its reality. To break the chain that holds you from where you need to be. To be among the hundreds that stand beside you in this world. To learn from the examples of those who have come and gone. To find the innovation in you that the world humbly asks of you. To give back to the world and establish your place in this very infinite world.
Ok, I'll play.
Here's something I wrote after a particularly memorable hunt years ago.

You’re not from around here, Are you

After pursuing game in Alaska for the past 10 years with both rifle and handgun, a transfer forced me to modify my hunting methods. I decided to move to archery tackle, and my shift to the Bow was somewhat rocky, but given the long season and the general lack of competition in the Illinois woods, the transition was a logical one.

The morning of January 12th 1999 dawned finding me 30 feet up a tree overlooking several trails crossing a frozen creek bed. The weather of late had conspired to make travel very difficult, currently in the high 30’s after several days of hard freeze with a 6 to 10 inch blanket of ice on the ground.

Seven thirty arrives as I glimpse movement to my right, a yearling on the move with more shadows ghosting through the brush behind her. I wait, hoping beyond hope to get a shot at my first buck with a bow. With 2 doe’s under my belt already this season I am anxious to earn the trophy of antlers in addition to adding more of the wonderful meat already in the freezer.

When all are in view I can see none wear the crown I desire, but not wanting to throw away what must be my last chance of the year, I decide to try and harvest the last in line which is the largest, and which I can soon see is an adult buck that has recently shed his antlers as demonstrated by the angry red welts atop his head.

I stand with Bow in front of my face, shaking with anticipation for what seems like hours, but in truth merely moments. They stealthily make their way to me as if according to some neatly laid out plan I accidentally blundered into. Sixty yards melts into twenty, then into ten and I decide now is the time. The draw is quiet and smooth, I congratulate myself in accomplishing this when I catch a doe’s eye and she snorts looking directly at me, her tail at half mast, her fore foot makes a audible “thunk” and ice chips scatter. Frantically I search for sight pin and shoulder, the magical alignment seems perfect and the shaft is a blur of color in a black and white world ending its brief flight buried in the buck. In an instant, the quiet wood is a flurry of dark bodies and white pennants, all determined to escape this unseen invader in their home. Sitting silently in my tree, I feel as though I must have dreamt the encounter, the woods are completely and utterly still, our rendezvous was so brief, so surreal, it could have easily happened only in my mind.

As I take up the trail I note the blood is not nearly as heavy as I would like, and this concerns me some, but soon I discover two of his recent beds, he has rested and bled here and my hopes are buoyed, and I continue. Soon it is evident by the tracks he has left the herd and struck out on his own, he leads me across a vast ice covered field, fully one quarter of a mile across and I can see he has bedded again when I arrive at the further edge, but now is gone back into the sanctuary of the woods.

It is painfully evident that my arrow did not hit exactly as I had intended and the deer, although no doubt badly wounded is able to move pretty well. But I am determined to finish what I have begun, so off comes the elaborate camouflage suit, insulated coveralls, and all other unnecessary gear. I begin running, confident in the knowledge that as long as I can discern his trail I can outlast him. From hill to valley, across a frozen creek and back up another hill the Buck leads me away from familiar territory into deep thickets and blow-downs that have sheltered and protected him in times past. After cresting one hill I see him at the bottom, standing in stoic silence at the tree line of yet another field, with him are two coyotes waiting patiently for the inevitable. I interrupt this dance of nature for I am the apex predator in the woods today and will not relinquish my prize. I drive them off with a shout. The Buck breaks and is off again moving smoothly despite a terrible wound that would have easily incapacitated his pursuer. The chase begins anew, I run as fast as possible without sacrificing his trail and am confident again that soon he will be stretched out before me.

This great animal leads me into his final destination, a large valley that had a chance encounter with a Tornado in years past. A 10 acre depression in the earth covered with great trees felled by unimaginable winds now overgrown with briars, wild rose, and all sorts of nightmarish flora. Passage is difficult some of the time and impossible most of the time, my confidence wanes as I become aware of the fantastic stamina and physical abilities of these beautiful creatures. Belly crawling down a briar tunnel a scant foot high, leaping up an eight foot creek bank, this with only three good limbs.

I now know that I would be laid low with the same or lesser injury, and my respect for this animals determination to live is raised to an even greater level.

A majestic oak, once heaving huge branches skyward lays in my path, a faint trail shows me the way as I weave over and under the great limbs performing some sort of primitive limbo dance. Suddenly he’s there, bedded in a heavy briar thicket, panting and exhausted, much as I am myself. I nock and draw, shaking from exertion and manage only to strike the heavy brush he has concealed himself in. As he heaves himself up and through the undergrowth I can see he is all but done in, and if I can maintain the pace he will be mine.

The final act is played out much as expected, we meet yet again only this time his choice for a resting place is not as careful, and once more I draw the modern equivalent of the tools that have taken these magnificent creatures here for thousands of years. The final shot is anti-climactic, he once again comes to his feet and moves only ten yards before sagging to his side. I know the outcome of this and a rush of emotions flood my mind, remorsefulness, elation, and a strange satisfaction of sticking out to the bitter end what has been one of my most fulfilling hunts.

This may sound foolish to others whom haven’t had the privilege of experiencing this type of encounter, but as I knelt beside that splendid beast, I thanked him for his contribution to my life. Not only will his body provide welcome sustenance, but long after his flesh is consumed by my family, I will continue to relive this memory for the rest of my life, and for this I am deeply in his debt.
And one more that I'll share.

A Thanksgiving Bear

What began as a long weekend get-away / deer hunting holiday began to go awry on our arrival at the lodge. A bear guide and Fernando, his 70 year young client from Mazatlan were our co-occupants and as the weather went from marginal to poor we did everything to make him feel welcome, including feeding them a full blown Thanksgiving dinner. The ladies worked furiously and the feast was magnificent and over cocktails he entertained us with hunting stories from elephant and lion in Africa to Elk in Mongolia.

Several of our group had gotten a couple of deer on the ridge high above the lodge, the next day they went back up and harvested another in the same small alpine bowl. While they were cleaning the deer, a bear showed himself a scant 100 yards away so under armed guard and with shaky knife strokes they finished, packed up the meat and made a quick retreat. That evening the weather worsened with 40 kt winds and blowing snow which effectively eliminated deer hunting as an option, so we put a plan in place to try and help our new friend find his dream bear.

At daylight the following morning, we set out – Guide in the lead, our Mexican friend following with three of us bringing up the rear. Our assent up the mountain to the bowl some 1700 feet up the steep snow covered deer trails was slow and nerve wracking, more than once our guide admitted later he had been moments away from calling off the hunt due to the tough climb and his concern for Fernando.

We finally crested the ridge to look into the bowl only to see strips and patches of alder in the winter wonderland, but no bear. It was very disappointing, but to make sure we didn’t miss anything the guide went up the lip of the ridge and I went down to gain a different perspective. Neither the guide nor myself saw anything resembling our quarry so we returned to the group, where upon we notice at about 70 yard a large snow hump in the middle of the main alder patch begin to move and then it shook off. Game On !!

Fernando took his time to line up for a good shot with his .416 magnum and his first round thundered into the massive bear’s left front shoulder. Upon impact the bear lurched to his feet roaring and swatting at the ground and trees, it was an awesome spectacle and one never to be forgotten.

The bear now had two viable options, to charge (and you can be sure he knew our location exactly) or to retreat. Charging would have brought the bear up the bowl, and retreating would mean that he would drop off into one of the three 800 ft vertical deep ravine’s a scant 25 yards behind his snoozing spot. Neither course of action would be acceptable and the guide gave the go-ahead to “give it to him”. The big .416 crashed twice more, a .338 magnum delivered four rounds, and my 30-06 Ackley improved also delivered four 180gr. Partition bullets. Less than 10 seconds had elapsed and the bear ceased moving, the guide then delivered the time-honored “Insurance” shot to be sure the game was over.

Everyone quickly turned to the task of getting Fernando down off the mountain – my friend elected himself to help him down as he was pretty wet from hiking and snow soaking through his pant legs & we all knew if he didn’t get down out of the wind immediately hypothermia was sure to follow.

Through no violation of my own I ended up being first “on scene” with the bear and I will say that the adrenalin level is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. That bear was huge & though he looked dead, one can never be sure!

We made it back to the lodge just at happy hour after dragging a 250 lb hide through the snow on a “Tyco” kids sled. No easy business there either.

We deserved those martinis.

Bear 1.JPG
Shadows of Unity

How do you cauterize,
The exit wounds of lies projected from the mouths of the machines,
Telling us what they calculate to be true,
Formalizing subliminal decay in the form of entertainment,
Entertaining the mass monkeys,
Trained from years of polluted words,
Prospering through the blood of the innocent,
Predicable weather,
Is all fun and games,
Until the tide changes in the foul direction of destruction,
Describing the incoherent thoughts of millions,
Too afraid,
Too afraid to see what’s beyond their shield of ignorance,
a bias fairy-tale.
Forgive not,
Those who do not fret the consequences of their own actions,
Fragile minds,
Not strong enough to survive the bombs of the future,
One intricate web of imagination,
Creating their own sweet illusions of better days,
In wait of the time the web spreads,
Touching the darkest reaches of the soul,
Collecting the memories,
That will rebuild the cities of days to come,
Those scars will not be forgotten,
But loved,
For the resemblance of passions triumph,
Over the assault of the faceless leaders,
Fearing the fall of their own empires in the shadows of unity,
No longer will the tormented be silenced,
For the amounted voices,
Project words much stronger than any weapon,
Positively destructive,
The minds of the beautifully fragile,
Hearts beating together,
Cadence, Unity, and Serenity,
Harmonizing auras brighter than the stars,
In fields of green,
Shaking hands with sticky seven fingered friends,
Saturated with The Human Cure,
Forget not the past for it will reoccur,
With the knowledge comes the answer,
For preventing the demons of the past,
From polluting the minds of the hopeful......
Guess I never got around to posting any prise or poetry. Life and laziness eh.

^ that kind of reminds me of my earlier spoken word/slam type of stuff. Quick and powerful, emphasizing or de-emphasizing just the right lines to get the audience hooked and hopeful for the next emotion.
Guess I never got around to posting any prise or poetry. Life and laziness eh.

^ that kind of reminds me of my earlier spoken word/slam type of stuff. Quick and powerful, emphasizing or de-emphasizing just the right lines to get the audience hooked and hopeful for the next emotion.

Truly, thank you!
I'll post another shortly.

I'd love to read some of your work, just roll one up, and get to posting! ;)
Reclaiming Your Smile

In the waking dream,
Of the days ending,
Reflecting through shattered glass,
These are the words,
To ignite the beginning,
Of the skins tarnished past.

We create the words,
That make us feel safe,
Reenact the roles,
For the lost souls sake.

Among the branches,
Of the weeping woods arms,
Taste the tears,
Those silent alarms.

Holding in,
What we must shout,
Because the lack of emotion,
Won’t let it out.

Time and time again,
We find ourselves,
Wishing for the end,
When it’s another new beginning,
That finds us again.

There will be no pain,
If you accept your flaws,
From your passion do not disdain,
Let your screams bleed raw.

Crimson rivers,
And vast pitch skies,
Can be outlets of bliss,
If you open your eyes.

Put yourself in front,
And your worries aside,
From your fears,
You need not hide.

Don’t try to run around,
Simply step through,
It's the fastest way,
To leave it behind you...

I AM... But what I am, the world wasn't meant to know
My complete unawareness became the reason ALL is so
NOTHING learned from me, yet & still I am the ONE
Without even knowing, I've been showing All the Wonders to be done

No question I'm the answer, but to what remains Unknown
Invisible to any Being only searching for their own
Knowing self as a special Being is being ignorant of our goal
Nothing being more important than seeing Being as a whole

I'm NOTHING if not for Being, as we're finally beginning to see
My WONDER set example as you developed the might to be
Didn't think a Being would follow, so there's nothing I can do
What will be is meant to be as One gives way to Somethin new

With no beginning of my own, it seems an end isn't in my fate
One can change Being for ALL, while I remain to be just Great
My design is Divine. What "IT" is becomes the proof
All in ONE, You & I combine to speak The Universal Truth