fbi arrested over 25 people and counting....kinda trippin

http://www.rubmaps.com/ check out what i found its like weedmaps but its for the massage places you can go get some

some cities have a free newspaper that you can get on a street corner or in certain stores, and a lot of times in the back of said papers, they'll have ads for the massage places, which i always thought was crazy, how the hell don't the cops shut them all down??
I think 2puffs is in Texas, this shit is usually what happens when somebody gets robbed and they growing. If it's drugs usually it's DEA, but when people start robbing and there are guns involved FBI will pick it up.. Ive seen a lot of my Hispanic friends get conspiracy charge because they had a cousin or what not selling bricks of shwag and someone goes down and becomes a narc.. Then anybody that bought a bag or all the middle man go down to.
So the fbi have been snatching people left and right the past few days wtf is this occuring anywhere else?
I am trippin and thinking of ditching everything because theres a good chance my name has been brought in the mix, they arrested my friends and one told me they tried to make him wear a wire...so now everyone thats out on bail I have to wonder about....they are still investigating and arresting people....most is just weed related!!!!.....im too pretty for jail :o
FBI doesn't make weed arrests .
Yeah be worried 99 percent of the time your buddies whom ever gets busted in your circle will rat you out to get less time or what ever true friends eat it up and keep there mof'ing
mouths shut ,, but in the real world behind closed doors you so called trusted buddie is crying like a baby and will not keep his fucking mouth shut
your guts tell you something then get rid of it rather safe then in buck fuck hotel
We just had a Asian massage parlor busted for like the 5th time and now is actually closed down. They did not give a fuck. You could sit in your car and the will come out to your car and take care of you in a business park deal pretty crazy actually