fbi arrested over 25 people and counting....kinda trippin

and this just got weird...
yeah sure..
one time, i was living in china, and couldn't find a good paying job being that i don't speak mandarin.. one day, i met this lovely lady who happened to speak the english.. she saw i was down on my luck and i told her i couldn't find a job, and haven't eaten in 4 days.. she told me she could get me a really good paying job, one that would take to the us of a, and would allow me to meet lots of nice people.. she said it was a great chance for me to make some money and get me back on my feet..
she gave me the number of some man, whom i was supposed to call the following day if i were interested in her job.. i went back to the corner i had been begging on and sleeping on at night and thought about my big chance, and thought, wth, why not.. i'm not really doing too well on my own, so the next day i called the man at the arranged time, and went to meet the man..
he was very nice, told me how much money i would make, and how much fun i would have living in the great country of the states united.. i decided right then to take the job.. the nice man gave me a ticket for the plane to ride to the states united, and gave told me someone would meet me at the airport when i landed.. i arrived in the states after a very long plane ride.. i was very excited to come to the states united and make lots of money and meet the nice men i was told about..
when i arrived at the airport, i saw a man holding a card written in crayon.. it said "racerboy71" i went over and said, i'm racerboy71.. the nice man took me in a car to a dark and scary building. when i got out of the car, the man took all of my id and told me if i didn't do what i was told that he'd kill my family.. i was very scared and upset, but i did as the man told me as i was afraid that my family would be harmed.. i had to go into rooms with strange man and let them do strange things to me.. i was a virgin before my trip to the states united, but i was forced to have sex with strange men 6 days a week, and on my one day off, i had to clean up dirty used condoms and cook food for the other women that lived with me..
i got depressed and very sad.. i thought about running away, but was afraid my family would be harmed.. after awhile, i had one man who would come to see me who was nice to me, and i began to trust him.. i told him my family name and he got in contact with them and assured me that they were safe.. this nice man would give me money, which i would hide away from the madam of the house until i had a total of $26.31, and at that time, i knew i had enough to run away from the massage parlor and live on my own, which i did, and i haven't looked back since..

so, you say you've had something similar happen to you ehh?
So the fbi have been snatching people left and right the past few days wtf is this occuring anywhere else?
I am trippin and thinking of ditching everything because theres a good chance my name has been brought in the mix, they arrested my friends and one told me they tried to make him wear a wire...so now everyone thats out on bail I have to wonder about....they are still investigating and arresting people....most is just weed related!!!!.....im too pretty for jail :o
Sounds like they got a snitch too many people are to weak for prison so they rat. I wouldn't trust anyone on bail they talk about illegal shit say you cleaned your shit up can't trust anyone that's why I don't deal with buddies to many rat.

Sure it may be hard to tell your friends to get fucked but you want to make it without prison can't fuck with anyone who ain't solid and you got to learn how to judge that shit I've seen so many people talk shit about snitches and turn around and snitch. Anyone who's scared of prison ain't solid. I personally don't see why they scared it's just prison swallow a few hash balloons before you go in and make some friends. :bigjoint:
This has never happened... ever and I have known these people my entire life.....they are taking cellphones too...the charge is illegal use of an electronic device then theyare racking on everything they can. I think I may be ok...Iits up to 40 people now btw.
The only one im trippin on is my buddy but he has more to lose then me and Icould cripple him and vice versa so Iim hoping im ok....im gonna push foward on plants and just use personal and help out who I can that medically needs it. I donate for medical needs im not sure if thry count that as dealing? Everything else I have done I haven't done in awhile selling zwise.
FBI doesn't make weed arrests .
Maybe not small ones but I know of people selling pills that had FBI on them but this one kid got caught fucking with counterfeit money and did no time not long after I started hearing about FBI busting people around the area. I'm sure they would have had no problem busting a grower or dealer with a few pounds they busted small time pill pushers like people that may sell 30 pills a month.

I'm sure they would probably leave the smaller shit to state police and take informants for themselves. It's bullshit they get informants and take what they can just got to talk to everyone like they wearing a wire could be a cellphone or anything recording you their name will never even be on paper work. It's funny rats all like "wheres the paper work?" cause ain't no paper work would defeat the word confidential in confidential informant. lol
Maybe not small ones but I know of people selling pills that had FBI on them but this one kid got caught fucking with counterfeit money and did no time not long after I started hearing about FBI busting people around the area. I'm sure they would have had no problem busting a grower or dealer with a few pounds they busted small time pill pushers like people that may sell 30 pills a month.

I'm sure they would probably leave the smaller shit to state police and take informants for themselves. It's bullshit they get informants and take what they can just got to talk to everyone like they wearing a wire could be a cellphone or anything recording you their name will never even be on paper work. It's funny rats all like "wheres the paper work?" cause ain't no paper work would defeat the word confidential in confidential informant. lol
A guy in my area sold a 100 pill wop....mandatory 30 yrs. level 3 trafficking. ..dem boys ain't playing bout dem pills nowadays !!
A guy in my area sold a 100 pill wop....mandatory 30 yrs. level 3 trafficking. ..dem boys ain't playing bout dem pills nowadays !!
For real it's why so many people rat they've been cracking down on pills and heroin hard for years more heroin now though cause so many pill pushers have been busted. I see it a few times a year like 20 people in one town get busted mostly dope one guy I know got hit with over 80 grams of dope last summer shits crazy dudes going to get at least 20 years.

I just hope MA is legal come 2017 I won't have to worry about shit. :bigjoint:Except maybe a junkie trying to rob the place lol, them fools are out of control so many stick ups never any busts.
I just hope MA is legal come 2017 I won't have to worry about shit. :bigjoint:Except maybe a junkie trying to rob the place lol, them fools are out of control so many stick ups never any busts.

Amen..we're gonna have it, i don't doubt it, last poll i saw support was in the upper 60/lower 70% range for recreational. It's gonna be nice having that weight off our shoulders.

..and fuck junkies..I have a, I'll still say friend for now because he hasn't fucked me over, who got heavily into pills and heroin, last time he came by, he had one of his "friends" with him and I caught the guy walking around my property eyeballing everything. I kicked both of them out and told my buddy if anything went missing i was going after him, not the other guy. I live about 15mins from the RI order and those fuckers jump the border, do smash and grabs or quick B&E's then run back over the border, by the time the cops arrive they are gone and the cops pretty much tell you because it's interstate they aren't going to get help on a simple burglary..