Is the legalization of Marijuana really worth it?


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, honestly this should be common sense, we know that legislating morality doesn't work, we know that prohibition doesn't work.

We can look back at our recent history and see that alcohol prohibition was an abysmal failure that caused the rise of criminal enterprises and violence. Drug prohibition has followed suite. The last 60 something years have been an ever escalating diatribe of violence and failure, with no end in sight.

We can look at places that chose not to criminalize vices, such as the Netherlands, and see that their society hasn't crumbled, drug violence and addiction are marginal, and the country benefits from the increased income from tourism and taxation.

And finally, we can look at places that are adamant and belligerent about continual drug prohibition, places like Saudi Arabia for example, where a microscopic spec of marijuana can land you in prison for a minimum of 4 years (20+ years for possession under an ounce). Or death penalties for suspected traffickers in Singapore. And people are still doing drugs, no amount of punishment is enough to deter everyone's need to alter their consciousness.

That's where we're heading, that's where these "drug warriors" want to take America. With the way that technology is progressing and police powers expanding, it's only a matter of time before they implement harsher punishments, more violent apprehensions, degrade our liberties in the name of "safety" for the public at large. They've made a business out of the "war on drugs", it's a multi-billion dollar money machine, and face it, the majority of us are statistical paychecks.

about the tax thing the goverment can tax it but people will just stay buying from the streets cause the streets don't tax! Well usually.
Yeah.. because when I want to get drunk, I just head on down to the closest illegal red-neck corn mash distillery and get some moonshine.. No, legalization would take the drug trade out of the hands of criminals, they would have little to no recourse, the black market would fizzle out within a decade.

Taxation of marijuana would be a boon to our faltering economy, not only the income from taxation, but the very act of ending prohibition would free up hundreds of billions of dollars that was used to enforce draconian vice laws. This money could go directly to schools, non-propagandized drug education programs, addiction treatment, etc.


Well-Known Member
Christ, I'm more worried about second hand stupidity than second hand marijuana smoke. After reading the OP, I felt my grammar/spelling bar go down drastically. It even made the little game noise.

I hate questions like these because there's very few people who even have a realistic idea of what it would be like. You'll hear people say "They don't want to legalize it because they can't tax it," and turn right around and someone is saying "I don't want it to be legalized because then it would be taxed." The major issue would be fixing a major problem in our gov't. Rather than spending billions of dollars yearly, paying DEA fucks high salaries to trash dispensaries and terrorize legitimate medical users/growers, we could be taxing marijuana sold from dispensaries (which would still be tons cheaper, because there's 0 risk, and supply can catch up to demand), and in turn generate around 1 billion dollars a year (california), which can be pumped into the state roads, schools, or whatever. That's the real issue. Of course every one of us would wanna grow and bathe in our own buds if it were legalized.

Wow Alpha, nice post, I covered some of the same ground, but you posted right before me lol.
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stays relevant.
I have thought about it and I don't think legalization is worth it. It will increase atics and will cause alot of problems wih second hand smoke. Just the thought of this plant being comercialised makes my brain hurt. What is everyones elses thoughts on the matter?

Addicts? So lets ban anything that you can become addicted to. Caffeine, Alcohol, Nicotine, not to mention thousands of pharmaceutical drugs to treat sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, etc.

Second hand smoke? Cannabis being legalized would carry most of the same laws that alcohol does, such as not consuming in public.

This plant being commercialized has already happened, for medicinal use. No offense, but the thread you posted is the exact opposite of what the world needs. Many of the people that strongly disagree with the legalization of cannabis are doctors, and pharmaceutical companies that hold stake in making sure high priced pills are the only thing that is legal.

The FDA approves hundreds of new medications each year, many of which carry serious side effects that could cause serious harm, or death. These items mostly slip past your vision until some lawyer puts together a commercial for a class action law suite for the hundreds of people who have killed themselves under the influence of XXXXX drug co. products.

In 1996 California decided that doctors can recommend the use of cannabis in a medicinal form for their patients to consume for relief of whatever ailment they may be suffering from, this was a decision made by the people of California. Since the inception of California Prop 215 in 1996, patients have been able to grow, and consume medicinal cannabis. Patients have been able to afford their medications, and have ready access at hundreds of locations throughout the state.

Additionally, since its inception medicinal cannabis has not had one overdose, or fatality. Take a look at other medications and see if they can say the same.

I hate to drag this out, but whenever someone goes and posts something like this, I get a frustrated. You're proposing we take 1 step back wards that took millions of people to get to step forward. This is peoples medication we're talking about, not some substitute for heroin, or crack cocaine (A more serious epidemic that desperately needs to be focused on by the DEA).

I don't expect anyone to agree, there are a lot of people who don't understand that the ridiculous prohibition of cannabis rests on the dying shoulders of patients who cant afford medication, or are far too sick to use it. I hope your parents have excellent insurance that will cover them with affordable medication, etc. after they retire, because mine don't.

I'm rambling so I am going to cut out of it now.

Best wishes to all,
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New Member
Honestly I can't believe it's still illegal! It should be 100% legal by now. It has no addictive property's, and is more beneficial than harmful. I believe marijuana illegalization costs Americans too much (7 billion a year), in our country's current economic state is it worth it? To keep this so called "drug" illegal, even though it has no adverse heath effects? Besides if they were to tax marijuana you think they wouldn't make at least 15 billion a year? They would make more than that, that's so much more money our country could use to better our justice system that could focus on murder, and rape, and shit and no longer spend all tax payers dollars trying to find marijuana smokers, and penalize them for what? smoking something that won't do any harm to them, or there loved ones?

You're 100% right, that would be stupid! The smart thing to do is keep spending our money on penalizing marijuana users, fuck rapist and murderers! They didn't do anything it's them damn pot-smokers killing people, with there 2nd hand smoke! Besides it's not like 7 billion is a lot. I mean we all have 7 billion dollars tucked away some ware. I mean that's not a RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF UNNECESSARY MONEY OR ANYTHING!

[EDIT] So just to trump your question with one that makes more sense. Is the illegalization of marijuana really worth it?
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New Member
I saw on the news yesterday that drug makers are raising the cost of some medications from 300% to 1000%. Yes that is right the cost of this one drug went up a thousand percent.

I'm thinking that marijuana will threaten that. I don't think their bank accounts can handle legalization.

I'm still smoking and I just started growing. I will keep on smoking and am hoping to purchase a small greenhouse for my back yard in a couple of years.


Well-Known Member
We see this thread, or a reasonable facsimilie, from time to time.

Legalization would herald far more changes than would appear on the surface.

The freedom to grow and blaze in the open. That's huge. It suggests a society moving toward openness and tolerance and away from judgment and punishment.

The godawful and costly War on Drugs could be a page in the history books.

A medicine used by man throughout the ages would be freely available to the sick and dying.

Hemp could be reintroduced as a commercial product. Making productive thousands of acres of marginal farmland throughout the country. Hemp would reinvigorate the small farmstead. Hemp paper. Hemp textiles. Hemp food. Hemp fuel. Hemp, hemp, hemp. It could re-awaken our entire economy.

We face enormous challenges in the future. Problems which will require revolutionary, even extreme solutions. Re-legalization of cannabis/hemp could be one.
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Well-Known Member
Wow....First of all if it was legalized the dealers would just move on to something else...or keep selling. If smoke shops tried to sell it for 40$ a gram noone would buy it. If it was legalized it woud be sold same as sure it'd start w/o filters but not to long it would be sold iwth filters...same as cigs...filters dont take any thc away. Yes for probably 20 years or so people would grow there own...but as with alcohol and tobbacco the majority would eventually end up buying the government shit. Of course it should be legal....the biggest problem that would come from it would be people driving high....I think its fucking stupid that if u get cought with a handfull of pot u get the same penalty as someone who robs a liqour store unarmed...sexually molests someone....drives drunk....and a bunch of other bull shit. It sickens me that MJ users are classified with these trash. THER IS NOTHING WRONG WITH MJ. The atticts will NEVER go away...its not the DRUG its the PERSON..with addictive personality...I can snort some blow WHENEVER I want and I never crave it...I can do blow every day for 2 weeks and never want it for 6 months...ITS THE PERSON NOT THE DRUG. There will be atticts with every fucking drug. The fact MJ is illegal is LUDICROUS. And heres a fact for u guys taht dont know. THE ONLY REASON MJ BECAME ILLEGAL is because when the great depression hit, CHEAP mexican labor was no longer needed, because of all the white american males needing jobs...SO you had all these mexicans sitting around doing nothing smoking pot and the GOV couldnt get em to leave. SO they thought if they banned MJ they would leave. They originally made the tax stamps available to the rich...for a very high price. THAT IS THE TRUTH!!!! Of course it only gave the mexicans a job as they started smuggling it across the boarder. THIS IS WHY MEXICO IS A MJ SHWAG POWERHOUSE!!! they have been doing it for years. Then the ban of alcohol came and fucked MJ's hopes of ever getting reinstated. They used advertisment to drive the american public away from it...showing kids jumping out of windows because of MJ...killing people cuz of mj...BEFORE THE DEPRESSION WEED WAS NOT LOOKED DOWN APON....MANY HIGH PEOPLE SMOKED IN SMOKING DENS. JUST AS OPIUM WAS BANNED TO TRY AND EXPORT THE CHINESE....MJ was banned to export the mexicans.....WELL??? It didnt work. This is not a racial stab AT ALL.. This has nothing to do with that. THIS IS THE TRUTH. IF youd otn believe me look it up....ACID WAS BANNED TO kill the hippie movement...


Well-Known Member
BTW I grew up in ALASKA where it is LEGAL to have(Use to be 4 ounces) But now its 1 ounce for personal use. There is NO penalty AT ALL..aslong as you dont have intent to sell. You can also have 27 plants LEGALLY in your house. And NOONE has ever died due to a high driver. I believe alaska is the only state that has completly decriminilized POT to an extent and it WORKS FINE....LEGALAZATION is the way to go...


Well-Known Member
BTW I grew up in ALASKA where it is LEGAL to have(Use to be 4 ounces) But now its 1 ounce for personal use. There is NO penalty AT ALL..aslong as you dont have intent to sell. You can also have 27 plants LEGALLY in your house. And NOONE has ever died due to a high driver. I believe alaska is the only state that has completly decriminilized POT to an extent and it WORKS FINE....LEGALAZATION is the way to go...
i don't think it should be legal. There are some people that shouldnt be high. But i do think it should be decriminalized. Ok so you get busted for pot here is a ticket have a nice day. The government makes a dime and really people get what they want. and the governemnt wouldnt have to worry about controlling it or taxing it. And i mean make the tickets makes sense. You get busted with three grams the ticket fits three grams you get busted with a pound again it represents the amount that you get caught with. And as far a growing......again if you are growing for personal use make the ticket represent that. People that are growing 2000 plants should aboviously pay more than the guy with 4 plants in his closet..
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Well-Known Member
"I think its more the Big Pharamceutical companies don't want you growing a plant that WILL ACTUALY CURE your illnesses wether it be physical or mental pain. naahhhhh they want you on a 3month-life perscribtion of thier bullshit controlled dosage of paxalofexeldriphdodymeyxcelaphine, which is non habit forming, and may or maynot cure your disorder with the whole slew of side effects. you realy think a drug that grows naturaly and instantly gives relief would ever be accepted and readly availble. They know it has medical value, its old news to them. exactly why its illegal."

I have to apologize for going somewhat off topic here. But I'm sure most of us from the U.S. have seen the Viagra TV commercial. Hell, If I had an erection that lasted longer than 4 hours, why the fuck would I go to the ER??? I'm so physically and mentally messed up from my chemo that I forgot what a hard on is. If pot is ever legalized in the States, they could/can/will tax us for its sale. I don't mind that. Think of the bucks they would make and could then put towards a free health care system here. Just my opinion. And again....sorry for going off topic......I just couldn't help

Peace :peace::joint::hump:


Active Member
Personally feel like selling cannabis like they do in amsterdam isn't the best way to do it. My ideal variation of legalization would be to legalize cultivation and decriminalize possession.

I would love it if I could grow plants without fear. Even if they cap the max plants per house to 10 I would have no problems. Have neighborhood cannabis clubs where you can trade 1/8ths so you can sample everyone's grow and show off your grow. I'd be able to start a breeding program because i'd be able to grow more plants.

That is my heaven. Also I read in a post on this thread that cannabis can cure ailments...that is not true. It can be used effectively to TREAT certain conditions I have never heard of it curing anything or preventing cancer that seems like a stretch to me.


Well-Known Member
Yea, growin weed without fear of being caught...having access to various clones...being able to buy seeds without fear of them getting jacked...using marijuana instead of pain killers and sleep aids...yea, that can't possibly be a good idea. :roll:
not at all, a terrible one if you would ask me... not
move to a mmj state. its half way legal aleady guys, get on the boat.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Interesting post everybody!

My two cents . . . . . . .

If marijuana were legalized it would be regulated like beer/liquor. You would have to be xxxx years old and it could be purchased at certain places as long as you had your id. ~~~~~taxed~~~~~It wouldn't cost much to make a pack of MJ cigs. say...$ sell 20 cig sized joints at $50 a figure you'll get about 10-14g and thats for the dank.... the entreprenuer (dealer) could go legit and open Cafe's and shit like in Holland. You have people to farm and take care of the crops...more jobs and thats not even going into the industrial aspect.

1 acre of bud = 4+acres of trees when it comes to paper so there goes deforestation b/c bud comes back every year!
Then theres the textile industries (the original reason mj became illegal)
more jobs. . . . . . . .
Biodiesel. . . . . ."Drill more, drill now, pay less" in 20 yrs......
once again more jobs and cleaner air.

Plus the rapid rate of photsynthesis would help our air, ozone, global warming jibber jabber!

I'm not even going to get into med. uses because that would take to long! but there would be some bad but i think the juice would be worth the squeeze!



Well-Known Member
i don't think it should be legal. There are some people that shouldnt be high. But i do think it should be decriminalized. Ok so you get busted for pot here is a ticket have a nice day. The government makes a dime and really people get what they want. and the governemnt wouldnt have to worry about controlling it or taxing it. And i mean make the tickets makes sense. You get busted with three grams the ticket fits three grams you get busted with a pound again it represents the amount that you get caught with. And as far a growing......again if you are growing for personal use make the ticket represent that. People that are growing 2000 plants should aboviously pay more than the guy with 4 plants in his closet..
Yay! Fair fascism! Listen to yourself man.. We should just be punished differently? That's nothing but a continuation of the same bullshit. The majority of us aren't doing anything wrong, we aren't hurting anyone, why should we be punished at all? The laws for marijuana shouldn't be any different than alcohol laws, all adults should be allowed to partake if they wish, and only be punished if they act in an irresponsible manner.

then there would be no money in marijuana growing
I find that very unlikely, I mean, how many people do you know that brew their own beer all the time? Not many. The majority of the population is a consumer base.

I've heard that argument from dealers before, that they don't want legalization because it would hurt their profit margin. Quit thinking so small, if MJ were completely legalized you could walk into your local bank branch and take out a small business loan to start a marijuana related product or service. Think of all the new innovation and possibilities there are for business. MJ delivery, MJ alcohol, MJ food, etc, etc, etc.
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Well-Known Member
I find that very unlikely, I mean, how many people do you know that brew their own beer all the time? Not many. The majority of the population is a consumer base.
im my opinion brewing is much harder of a task than growing a marijuana plant. Especially out door. Its simple. You dont need any equipment besides some water and nutes. Hydro would be different, but in my opinion soil is a much better method. Taste and smell wise. Not yield and potency.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
im my opinion brewing is much harder of a task than growing a marijuana plant. Especially out door. Its simple. You dont need any equipment besides some water and nutes. Hydro would be different, but in my opinion soil is a much better method. Taste and smell wise. Not yield and potency.
With home brewing kits all you have to do is add water and certain packets(that come with the kit) at certain times and viola its there.

We live in a lazy ass society, its all about convenience and instant gratification so only a small percent would be least a small enough percentage that it wouldn't effect the outcome in the long run.

I mean you can grow your own tobacco and smoke it *it would be a lot better for you* but how many smokers do that?
