How is that relevant?
sheskank asked how he was able to earn a living wage (implying that anyone who isn't is lazy/stupid/uneducated/etc.), UB posted a link to the WOTC showing that employers enjoy tax benefits for hiring ex felons, meaning they don't pay as much for them as they would someone who's not an ex felon, meaning it would be cheaper to hire him than it would be to hire me, not being an ex felon and all
Do you think everyone can make a living wage if they just work hard enough? In other words, is the only thing preventing millions of working poor people from earning a living wage, themselves?
lolz, how is that relevant you ask??
well, for one, you said that 40% of his wages were paid by the tax paying public, which you even demonstrated wasn't true in your own post and link.. do you read what you post, or just post it up and hope no one reads the link(s)?
and b, when i said that what if he works the same job he worked before he was a felon, he would not receive the so called 40% of his salary paid by the working credit..
you came back and said, yes, yes he would.. i then went and found information that says that the tax credit of a max of only $2400 for new hires for their first year of employment, doesn't cover people who were employed before becoming felons.
so yeah, i'd say the information i provided was very relevant when you're trying to make someone look like a fool and don't even have the facts right..
i don't think that someone who has no skills and no education in the fields that will get them work once they graduated should be paid at near the same rate as people who have skills that pay the bills and or an education in say a field like nursing for instance, who had the insight as a young adult to go and educate themselves and find what job(s) would be good to get into and that would pay a so called living wage..
for the record, i don't make a shit ton of money, but i don't hate my sister for ex, who was smart enough to go to college and become a nurse and is now making $110k a year as assistant director of nursing at her hospital.. nor my other sister who went to school and decided to become a teacher and now makes about $60k a year.. i made my bed, now i'm lying in it.. i'm not crying why me, why me, when i know it was my own doing that got me where i am today.
and no, i understand that not every one who goes to college gets out and earns a living wage, but that's their dumb ass fault for taking up a degree in say philosophy or french literature, or what ever else dumb ass field of study they wasted four years of their life pursuing..