white culture cannot contain itself, erupts into violence. 9 dead, 170 arrested


Well-Known Member

the restaurant owners were warned about the violence that was bound to spring forth from the white culture it catered to, but they ignored the warnings.

five different rival gangs of white folks started shooting, stabbing, and beating each other to death at this restaurant.

these savage animals started shooting at the cops just for trying to ensure the safety of the innocent patrons who had to deal with this violent pack of whites. these poor innocent bystanders had to hide in freezers to stay safe from these white thug criminals.

why does violence seem to permeate white culture like this?

why are these savage thug animals so unable to contain themselves?

if whites don't want to be thought of as violent criminal beasts, they need to stop acting like it.

and i don't hear any condemnation from white leaders addressing the epidemic of violence that is breaking out all across white culture.

white people sicken me.
1. Violence permeates all races and creeds
2. Alcohol makes all people stupid if they drink too much of it
3. All people have the potential to sicken me

yeah, but this is a problem unique to white culture. these whites are savages, animals.

when was the last time 5 black biker gangs started to beat, stab, and shoot at each other before firing on the police officers who were simply trying to protect innocent patrons from the violence of white culture?

and why haven't leaders in the white community stepped up to address the epidemic of violence in the white community?

white on white murder is a huge problem, whites are killing each other at an 83% rate. that s sickening.

i think we need to figure out why whites are so violent and unable to follow the simple rules of civilized society.
texas law enforcement officials have been warning us about these packs of savage thugs on motorcycles since the seventies.

40 years later, these animals are still terrorizing us.

where is the leadership from the white community?
Lol UB I will never understand your real intentions, other then your strong belief of all people, races, and sexual beliefs, should be treated equally, which I strongly agree with.. But thank you for sharing this 95% of my family is around the Waco area.. But I can tell you these were not locals, they had to come from further south. Waco is a Christian town, most bikers in Waco are preachers, cops, and church goers. I'm not saying all, but the vast majority. The hardened bikers are from el paso, brownswood, san marcus, especially New Braunfels, san Antonio and Austin. But this was gang on gang violence.

But let's go further north and talk about Dallas crotch rocket gangs. In Dallas the most feared biker gangs are black crotch rockets gangs, those boys don't fuck around. If you see these coming behind you the best thing to do is pull the fuck over and let them pass.

But fuck the race issue, violence is bad no matter which way you look at..

I know most people view Texas as a republican state, but where I live in the DFW area it's like 80% democratic..

I can not, and will not make excuses for these animals. But this is not a white cultural subject, but rather a southern texas culture. It's where the cartels clash with the bikers which are their meth runners. Anything south of Austin is pretty much Mexico here.

And before anyone bashes me, let say first, I am younger, naive and ignorant when it comes to politics. I respect all cultures, races, and all Homo sapiens
Having lived in El Paso for a period of time in the late '70s , I can say that Bandidos are primarily Chicano/Mexican in membership , if not exclusive .

these thug savage animals look pretty white to me.

this is not a white cultural subject

it sure is, actually.

the cops have been warning us about these thugs for 40+ years now.

when will white leaders even condemn these savage animals?

some of the white leaders even encourage this, like mike huckabee.

if that's not whites sponsoring a culture of violence within white culture, what is it?
yeah, but this is a problem unique to white culture. these whites are savages, animals.

when was the last time 5 black biker gangs started to beat, stab, and shoot at each other before firing on the police officers who were simply trying to protect innocent patrons from the violence of white culture?

and why haven't leaders in the white community stepped up to address the epidemic of violence in the white community?

white on white murder is a huge problem, whites are killing each other at an 83% rate. that s sickening.

i think we need to figure out why whites are so violent and unable to follow the simple rules of civilized society.
Take the word "BIKER" out of your statement and its all the same. Just another group of assholes trying to prove they're tougher than the other group of assholes and yes it makes me sick also !

Wow, this shit is crazy.. Once again thank you for sharing.. My sister and brother in law own a pizza joint in that same area.

I'm curious to see how this unfolds you can't charge 170 people with capital murder, with only 9 deaths. well this is Texas maybe they will..

Able Rena is the DA of McLennan County and he is SCUM! I know this piece of shit personally. Before he was the DA I have sold him pot, and I've seen him leave and drive home from my family's bar intoxicated.

It's funny how many Jade Helm comments I am seeing... While Jade Helm is very real, this is not staged.. lol idiots... Jade helm has nothing to do with gun grabbing.. Marital law yes maybe, but this is not the case..

I can say this is about all about drugs... these guys run meth.

This is in South Waco which is the nice part of Waco. "Yes Waco does have ghettos". But Waco is a pretty safe place..

What a damn shame..

One good thing is the hospital is directly across the street, if this happened further north or south the death toll might have doubled..
Damn Buck, you're really having fun with this one.

You deserve it. Have your fun. Play it for all it's worth.

And then come back to reality my friend.

the restaurant owners were warned about the violence that was bound to spring forth from the white culture it catered to, but they ignored the warnings.

five different rival gangs of white folks started shooting, stabbing, and beating each other to death at this restaurant.

these savage animals started shooting at the cops just for trying to ensure the safety of the innocent patrons who had to deal with this violent pack of whites. these poor innocent bystanders had to hide in freezers to stay safe from these white thug criminals.

why does violence seem to permeate white culture like this?

why are these savage thug animals so unable to contain themselves?

if whites don't want to be thought of as violent criminal beasts, they need to stop acting like it.

and i don't hear any condemnation from white leaders addressing the epidemic of violence that is breaking out all across white culture.

white people sicken me.

mmmmmmmmmm, tex-as.
