wholly shit HIS RECIPE ISNT EVEN CLOSE TO THAT!!!! anyone that has a comprehension of how a 5/5/5 system is made.. would now that.. THATS THE POINT....
but ill argue that yes 5/5/5 can do a proper grow but it doesn't push the genetics to its fullest potential..
AND PLEASE little hockey man the last thing i care about is my voice what i do care about is ignorant people speeding this bull hit myth that ocean forest produces anything in quality or yield that properly grown properly amended systems do.. ill put my system against anything. and on top of that i have the backing of large growers n our area to back it.. the last thing i give a shit about is sales outside of my area... honestly i hate the fact that people have to pay to ship the program.. that bull crap to me id give anything to afford free shipping to people wanting the system.. but I'm not here to fucking sell soil I'm here to help people and if you under or even knew a god damn thing about the system i sold you would question what i do and what people pay for... when you grow an ounce for 5$ outside elf electrical costs id love for you to compete..