good to know. cutting these plants is gonna be sweeter than christmas.
I feel us man. I've got one that I thought was going to be ready to harvest this week but then a bottom mode decide hey I wanna be big like everyone else and sprung up and it seems the buds on it are trying g to catch up to. I noticed when this happened my trichome production and transformations sowed a little bit for a day or two and now tricomes are coming out heavy and I have mostly milky white . I'm aiming for 60-70%milk white and 40-30 percent Amber heck maybe even a tad less Amber like 25-35 percent Amber(obviously milky white will be more of this is percentage I aim for. I've been watching like a hawk and it's exciting and frustrating and exciting lol. A fricken roller coaster man. Lol . Do to lack of budget I only have a 6x bifocals on my 3 x magnify glass I had since high school. But it works ok enough, kind of have to strain a bit. Unfortunately Walmart , target, malls, etc don't carry the good 30+ power lighted hand held microscopes. Which does anyone know what stores actually carry those? I hate buying things online , I don't know why. I prefer to interact with people face to face I guess. Besides me going to a store is helping that cashier keep their job.
Wish my baby girl that's about ready was taller but I made a boohoo at the start while trying to be stealthy but she is about 1 foot tall and looks like the Jewish candle for there winter holiday ( no offense intend I am a shitty speller and did not want to offend anyone so if I do offend u I am sooooo sorry). But yeah she looks like she may give off close to an o. Let's pray. Good luck to everyone and happy grow and harvesting to all.