Sharing proven soil recipe!

im not here to sell my shit I've said it over and fucking over you do not like it don't draw attention to it and dis me or the soil as if you know anything about it. I'm here to help people all i did was say this guys soil program has a bit more amending needed to have a proper flower and every jumps me as if i don't know what the fuck I'm saying.
Oh, I'm going to draw attention to you... to exactly what a rip off sham you're trying to sell people. And no, you don't know what the fuck you are saying. My suggestion is quit while you are ahead.

icould give a crap less draw attention ..bottom line you don't know what your talking about or how its made :)
icould give a crap less draw attention ..bottom line you don't know what your talking about or how its made :)
I don't know what I'm talking about? Care to elaborate? You're the one that looks like a fool here. Do you realize you continually hurt your company image by posting? Many people on this site see your product for the absurd stupidity it is. Telling them they are wrong (with NO supporting information) only makes you look dumb.

sorry I'm not arguing with a fucking idiot misstating the shit their saying its like arguing with a 20 year old ... bottom line you don't know what your talking about
wholly shit HIS RECIPE ISNT EVEN CLOSE TO THAT!!!! anyone that has a comprehension of how a 5/5/5 system is made.. would now that.. THATS THE POINT....
but ill argue that yes 5/5/5 can do a proper grow but it doesn't push the genetics to its fullest potential..

AND PLEASE little hockey man the last thing i care about is my voice what i do care about is ignorant people speeding this bull hit myth that ocean forest produces anything in quality or yield that properly grown properly amended systems do.. ill put my system against anything. and on top of that i have the backing of large growers n our area to back it.. the last thing i give a shit about is sales outside of my area... honestly i hate the fact that people have to pay to ship the program.. that bull crap to me id give anything to afford free shipping to people wanting the system.. but I'm not here to fucking sell soil I'm here to help people and if you under or even knew a god damn thing about the system i sold you would question what i do and what people pay for... when you grow an ounce for 5$ outside elf electrical costs id love for you to compete..
Lmao a bag of happy frog ocean Forrest and light warrior will blow your soil out of the water . Guaranteed!
Organic can burn if too strong correct? Cus the tips of the leaves look really bad on some of those plants.

All those poor roots in that high sodium environment.
Organic can burn if too strong correct? Cus the tips of the leaves look really bad on some of those plants.

All those poor roots in that high sodium environment.

If you have a lot of soluble sources of N like blood meal, or if the soil was not left to sit long enough before planting in it you can run in to problems.... but it's tough to burn a plant with organics.
If you have a lot of soluble sources of N like blood meal, or if the soil was not left to sit long enough before planting in it you can run in to problems.... but it's tough to burn a plant with organics.
Hmmm did not know blood meal was soluble. Must research more!
We shouldnt forget that EWC also adds a minute amount of npk as well.
Spot on. I could likely stand more rose tone but have not played with that yet. I won't likely change anything until my plants tell me to. The castings I use are very moist in the packaging so 20lb ewc may be deceiving in volume. I would like to use castings at the rate of 20% of the volume of the mix but just can't afford to.
Spot on. I could likely stand more rose tone but have not played with that yet. I won't likely change anything until my plants tell me to. The castings I use are very moist in the packaging so 20lb ewc may be deceiving in volume. I would like to use castings at the rate of 20% of the volume of the mix but just can't afford to.

Have you considered a worm bin or two? Super easy to maintain, and you will end up with better stuff than anything you could buy in a bag.
I have a lot to say, and not a lot of time atm. So a couple of things. On average EWC weigh about 4-5 lbs per gallon. So 20lbs should be around 4-5 gallons (cu ft is 7.5 gallons).

Second, the reason people jump all over Phil is because he doesn't have the slightest sense of how the soil food web works and his "system" exemplifies this. This is why people keep referring back to "his system". If he can't get that right, then he has no business talking smack about the way other people garden. Then there is the whole price thing. $20 for 5lbs? So like $20 a gallon. Let's see, I have 5 x 100 gallon pots, so that would be what, like $10,000 in soil! Woohoo, I'm rich! LMAO!!!

This ain't rocket science...


I can really see that point! I was rather put back by the size/amount of the bags and that cat piss smell.....whew.....But I still want to "see" what it does ,, for myself.....Like I said, "I don't like layering".....I've tried Subfools and Rev's Truly Looney Organic's...So I guess it's just one of those things I have to do for my own fun....You start to get bored in yer later 50's....

I can really see that point! I was rather put back by the size/amount of the bags and that cat piss smell.....whew.....But I still want to "see" what it does ,, for myself.....Like I said, "I don't like layering".....I've tried Subfools and Rev's Truly Looney Organic's...So I guess it's just one of those things I have to do for my own fun....You start to get bored in yer later 50's....

Cat piss smell? Are you sure it is not cat poot smell? I know fish emulsion can smell like a cat's stinky infected bum.