Where to start???


New Member
hi everyone, ive been smoking for years and wanting to do my own grow for a while. i finally went out and got myself the gear for an indoor crop and some seeds but i dont know where to go from here? can anyone chuck in some ideas? greatly appreciated guys


Well-Known Member
If you've purchased equipment you obviously have some idea of the setup you want to run otherwise how would you have any idea what to buy. Did you buy soil or buckets and water lines for a hydro setup? Did you buy HID lighting or some LED's, t5's, or CFLs?

Step 1 should have been to research like crazy and figure out your choice of growing techniques, lighting, cooling etc.

Step 2 is when you go buy all the crap you need and then come home and set it up to how you've planned it out.

....I'm curious as to what you purchased for equipment if you don't even know where to start. Tell us your plans and narrow things down for us and we may be able to help you out. Other wise it's a fucking shot in the dark.


Well-Known Member
Ok......seeing as you r making a complete fool of yourself by posting on this forum and many outhers.My advice to you is....go to newbie central read every post everyday for .....well......for at least a month(trust me I done that before I had the balls to ask for help)whilst you r doing that and hopefully this will learn you some of the basics get yourself on to some of the many research sites that offer loads of info on how to successfully pull a full from start to finish grow off(Google,you tube,ext,)then and only then imo should you advance onto the GMG forum and be able to ask for help......at least prove you no the basics to hold a civil conversation with some of the more experienced veterans......and by the way.....WELCOME TO RIU......


Well-Known Member
hi everyone, ive been smoking for years and wanting to do my own grow for a while. i finally went out and got myself the gear for an indoor crop and some seeds but i dont know where to go from here? can anyone chuck in some ideas? greatly appreciated guys
all you got to do is put the seed in the soil, add water, turn on lights and in no time you will have a pound of deadly dank....it's really that easy


Active Member
^ agree'd although if you want a high success rate for your seeds you should germ them first... I use the paper towel method and have had 16/17 pop this week!


Well-Known Member
Here's what I would do in your situation:

Big jobs or problems get smaller when you break them down. So jot down the differing phases of a grow. First point should be "set up". List the supplies you have and decide (or ask us) if your gear is appropriate for the size of your grow. For instance, if you want to dry/cure an oz. every 2 weeks and want to use a 2 x 4 foot tent, I'm sure one of the local OGs would let you know that your goal is unrealistic.

Next topic is "germinating". Do a search here for "paper towel method" and become familiar with that protocol. If you decide to eventually include clones in your grow you will need to do the research or find a mentor.

"Vegging" is next. Decide MH or HPS or buy a combo ballast. Important issues here include type and strength of the light(s) as well as length of time to veg.

"Flowering" deals with different issues than does vegging, as you will discover.

"Drying/curing" reflects the knowledge that d/c is actually a two-part process. Drying is the removal of moisture from the product and curing refers to evening-out the remaining moisture so that all product parts are uniformly the same dryness.

That's a rough idea of how to go forward. Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
hi everyone, ive been smoking for years and wanting to do my own grow for a while. i finally went out and got myself the gear for an indoor crop and some seeds but i dont know where to go from here? can anyone chuck in some ideas? greatly appreciated guys
www.growweedeasy.com is a great place to start. Loads of info, read everything, understand everything to the best of your ability. Then check out YouTube. Lots of good info on there, also lots of bad info too with dudes that take 10 minutes to get to a point, but never stop learning. Members on rollitup can be very helpful if they can tell you've put thought and time into your questions. Good luck, I wish you big bushy beasts of stanky dank in the future.


New Member
www.growweedeasy.com is a great place to start. Loads of info, read everything, understand everything to the best of your ability. Then check out YouTube. Lots of good info on there, also lots of bad info too with dudes that take 10 minutes to get to a point, but never stop learning. Members on rollitup can be very helpful if they can tell you've put thought and time into your questions. Good luck, I wish you big bushy beasts of stanky dank in the future.
thank you very much. the website link you sent me is a great help and has opened my eyes a little (too much dope) ive got a better understanding now of where to begin!


New Member
ive only bought a basic set of a 1.2 m grow tent a 600w HID and extractor fans. ive read a little and my main question to myself is soil or hydro? i have a wilma system which is good for both. as you guys know what your talking about it. could you please tell me the pros and cons from a personal point of view of soil or hydro to help me make up my mind and get this ball rolling


Well-Known Member
You're welcome :) Yeah that site is pretty easy to understand. Looks like you've got some good equipment so you're off to a good start. IMO I'd start in soil, it's more forgiving.