Let's get drunk!!!

wouldn't call it worse per say but it's a devil. I started drugs at a young age and now I'm kinda stuck in that realm.

started with pills, then I started grabbin h from big time dealers. at first it was just a bag, then it upped to me grabbing balls and selling on the side. I progressed into a coke/heroin dealer then was slingjn crack whn a homie went to jail.

I hate the shit that happened but it made me who Iam today.

yeah i started smoking weed and popping morphine when i was 12, pretty heavy drinkin since age 15
yeah i started smoking weed and popping morphine when i was 12, pretty heavy drinkin since age 15
same cigs at 11 weed and alcohol same time then by 13 I was hanging out doing anything people offered.

remember my grade 8 teacher asking why i had white powder all over my nose. my buddy and me were sniffing lines when his back was turned. gr 9 I was gone and barely there
Im getting on the vodka tonight to. IN your opinion whats a better mix for it lemon oor grape juice is all i got here

srry i didn't reply earlier your probably already made up your mind lol for some reason i didn't see it earlier, I'm mixing mine with pepsi right now was mixing it wit orange juice earlier but in your case i'd go wit the grape juice :-P
I just can't stop drinking beer tonight lol.. not even drunk, I'm surprised. I've had like 13 dos equis starting about 5 hours ago and I'm a lightweight
Drinking Sky and getting faded....:eyesmoke:

lmao my buddy was on the sky vodka last night, i told him to pace himself, i'm more knowledgeably on drinkin then any motherfucker, i knew he he'd get right smashed in no time and throw his guts up, he wouldn't listen, exactly what i said what was gonna happen, happened, fucking good though laugh lmao
lmao my buddy was on the sky vodka last night, i told him to pace himself, i'm more knowledgeably on drinkin then any motherfucker, i knew he he'd get right smashed in no time and throw his guts up, he wouldn't listen, exactly what i said what was gonna happen, happened, fucking good though laugh lmao
I'm not going to get that wasted at least I hope so....:spew: :lol:
da fuck are u getting on with?
See me I'm getting on that weed that Green
Makes me see what is going on in between them heaves
I take a pipe I fill it up with the B the the the U the the the D
Can't you see I am a master of that greed
I grab a knife I go out late at night i catch a light
On a muthafuckin bike,
I get excited someone's gonna die tonight
I creep up to this sucka from behind I slice his throat I gotta hide
I just killed a man and he's mommas gonna be crying
I can't sleep I feel the urge
to grab some bleach.

I can't rap.
same cigs at 11 weed and alcohol same time then by 13 I was hanging out doing anything people offered.

remember my grade 8 teacher asking why i had white powder all over my nose. my buddy and me were sniffing lines when his back was turned. gr 9 I was gone and barely there
I been smoking weed since 13 it's been a blessing & a
curse i got fired from my first job because of it I smoked all day when I should've been sleeping so that way I could be ready for work at night, so by time it was time to go to work I was waaaaayyyy too tired to go, and sometimes I overslept, I lost my job, and the room I had rented all because of my poor decisions and to this day Mary has still got my heart to the absolute max I can never say goodbye no matter what, but next time I have a job I am going to be extremely responsible with my bud smoking, I just can't let it go.

I sold all of my belongings for weed, well not all of them just the ones I knew I could live without and be happy, such as my Ps3 along with all of the games, my T.V., Dvd player, DvD's, after I lost my job and had no money.

I'm glad I was able to have those experiences so that I could learn from my mistakes.
I been smoking weed since 13 it's been a blessing & a
curse i got fired from my first job because of it I smoked all day when I should've been sleeping so that way I could be ready for work at night, so by time it was time to go to work I was waaaaayyyy too tired to go, and sometimes I overslept, I lost my job, and the room I had rented all because of my poor decisions and to this day Mary has still got my heart to the absolute max I can never say goodbye no matter what, but next time I have a job I am going to be extremely responsible with my bud smoking, I just can't let it go.

I sold all of my belongings for weed, well not all of them just the ones I knew I could live without and be happy, such as my Ps3 along with all of the games, my T.V., Dvd player, DvD's, after I lost my job and had no money.

I'm glad I was able to have those experiences so that I could learn from my mistakes.

at least you didn't get hooked on pills and join a gang like me, i still got my gang rag lmao
some of the shit i seen when connected still fucks me up to this day...
I got some beers to drink, haha as I'm coming out a street punk was asking for change. his way of asking was '' change, if you like self deprecating humour'' god I died right there laughing. tossed him a beer andsaid show me some humour I need a laugh. I should have brought him back to get drunk with but he seemed more cracked out then I must come across.

fucking kid knew how to make someone laugh, fuck those bitches for ignoring him!