How they doing?


Well-Known Member
hi everyone, ok u might remember me from posts such as,

ok so here we have 2 plants that grew on the window ledge untill a month ago, when they got put under a 600w hps light for budding

ok first question what sex are they?? please be female... please!!!

also has anyone got any idea how long is left?

there only receiving water at the moment, a little nute now and again, but the wrong NPK values, ill buy some good stuff soon.
also if you read any of my last posts i said they were blueberry, i was wrong i can now tell from the smell they are northern lights.




Well-Known Member
It's difficult for me to say for sure because of the lack of picture clarity, but they sorta look female to me. Have a look at the pics in this thread and compare to yours. Make sure you don't have any little "testicle-looking" pollen sacs.


Well-Known Member
thanks, any idea how long is left? or whats the average budding time? these have been budding for 1 month.


Well-Known Member
sometimes longer, depends on enviroment, why are your plants wet? are you wanting some bud rot? buds look nice fan leafs always yellow as buds ripen thats a good thing if you like smooth smoke


Well-Known Member
ok thanks, a friend told me if i spray them they take water through the leaves and u get better bud and leaf thc development. is this not true?
when i spray them i turn on the fans to keep the leaves moving to try and prevent rott.


Well-Known Member
I believe you're only supposed to foliar spray twice per week, and in the evenings or dark period(with a fan blowing, of course).


Well-Known Member
Hello Gizanoz, Those are nice looking skirts you have. Not much in foliar spraying unless your feeding the foliarly though. They'll get all the water they need from the soil. Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
ok thanks, i put them on some good nutes just after i started this thread and i think theyve at least doubled in size...
ye i thought they were budding but its my first grow n had nothing to compare it to, n a friend said they looked male so i was a little worried, but now youve cleared that up, thanks.
does foliar mean the leaves?





Well-Known Member
ok thanks, i put them on some good nutes just after i started this thread and i think theyve at least doubled in size...
ye i thought they were budding but its my first grow n had nothing to compare it to, n a friend said they looked male so i was a little worried, but now youve cleared that up, thanks.
does foliar mean the leaves?


That leaf curling in the third pic doesn't look so good. Other than that you have some nice looking plants. Well done. And yeah, "foliar" refers to the leaves.