Question I Always Ask My Friends, Now It's Your Turn


Well-Known Member
it's not necessarily more or less high as it is different cannabinoids are reacting differently with your brain receptors. thats all. just different.


New Member
I typically ask my friends this question after a good smoke session. As your tolerance for marijuana increases do you think you are less high or just more capable of dealing with the altered state of mind. I have always thought I was just more capable of dealing with the altered state of mind and I have received mixed answers from friends. Sort of an abstract question but I was just curious what some of the more seasoned smokers thought

I've smoked for a good 25 years now, when I smoke I feel less high than I did after smoking 20 years ago. I also feel that the quality of weed has gone waaaaayyyyy downhill since then. It doesn't look, smell or taste the same as it did when I was in HS.

The government claims that weed is way more potent than it used to be, well a bigger crock if shit I've never heard. If it's more potent they need to whip it out and prove it, I'm just not feeling it. :joint::twisted:

P.S. I feel the high the most first thing in the morning, everything after that is a buzz not a high........
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New Member
having smoked before and after school for the past couple of years now i'd say it's both. Your tolerance rises but most seasoned stoners can just deal with being higher than the average toker.

AND smoking in the morning is definitely when you get the highest

P.S. I feel the high the most first thing in the morning, everything after that is a buzz not a high........


Well-Known Member
We are more capable of dealing with the altered state of mind with experience. What usually happens is people smoke a lot of shit weed and they think "OH my tolerance is so high I don't even get buzzed off this dank". I've smoked a lot of weed in my years and I've seen shit that looked amazing, and smelled amazing, but literally got no one high = shit weed = unactive thc. Doesn't mean you have a tolerance from hell if you smoke unactive thc and don't get high. All the thc has to be psychoactive, if its not its usless

Sometimes people say they smoked themselfs sober, I found out a few months ago its a lie, you smoke yourself into a higher state of mind. I've done dmt multiple times, and when you "smoke yourself sober" it feels like you took a small hit of dmt. Its literally unexplainable unless you've done dmt yourself, its like speed on your brain.

What I do before every smoke is take 500-1000mg of vitamin C, does it make a differnce? lol night n day.
I forget why vitamin c completely fucks you up but its the same reason people drink a shit load of o.j. before shrooms
interesting question....

i think yes your tolerance goes up, you certainly need more to get high when you smoke, but after years of smokeing there is always going to be a certain layer of capability. i mean when you stop smoking for ages and then you smoke again ull go silly maybe 4 a bit, but ull always have a specific level of control. you compare a person who has been smoking for a short while to someone whose been smoking a long while, ull find they react to the drug differently psychologically and physically....


Active Member
kind of a mixture of both i think, and if your buying it from someone it could also have something to do with different strains as well


Active Member
I think that if you regularly smoke a lot of pot at once you develop a tolerance to it. This happened to me in my earlier days, smoking blunts and salads, giant bong hits and just generally always toking, it took quite a bit to get me 'high'. That said, 15 years later, I'm much like kronicsmurf were I take a few tokes and am good to go for quite awhile. I still smoke everyday, just not a lot at one time - I smoke pot a lot, but not a lot of pot.