ahahahaa ya my bother is a trooper. only flipped once when someone tricked him into snorting a gram of k on acid, he punched a few kids out after that. My old friend was there from grade school. he knew it was dumb then this idiot tried getting in our cab when I tok him home. o god the horror, that guy got hurt terribly but I laughed. my brother drunk off 5 gallons of beer stil kicks my ass sober! he's one crazy fucker.goin for a smoke and finishing a beer,,,,damn I need a laptop for the garage,, and I gotta pick the wife up at 5:40 from the train station,,,soooooo,,,,EVERYONE OFF THE FUCKIN SIDEWALKS!!!!
haha truth. my brother is a tough fucker. When I was a junk and crack fiend hetaught me that. knocked out my front tooth, I did put up a good fight though.my brother is a pussy
haha truth. my brother is a tough fucker. When I was a junk and crack fiend hetaught me that. knocked out my front tooth, I did put up a good fight though.
brotherly love and all, he has broken more bones then I can count in me for what it is worth. we can drink again together now that my cunt of an ex wife is out of it. although we both have made agreements to not get how we were.
used to be at bars and if someone said something it would behell.
fuck being angry like that now!
she always head had mental health issues, then it got worse.she didn't become a cunt until you married her?
she always head had mental health issues, then it got worse.
I was on probation so any bad fight she would call the cops knowing I was bound fornjail.
cheated on me, hit my father literally hit him the last minutes he was alive. the list goes on.
she didn't understand my current also was am ex at one pointwould never stop talking. friends since 12, never cheated till I knew it was over then I drifted.
my new gf may be pregnant, has a test tomorrow. if she is fuck yes, I love kids. what happwns if I'm sentenced to jail is what scares me nd that will happen.
my ex wife ruined my life but I'm picking up the pieces slowly.
shit goes back years, I probably shouldn't say but as of now I'm on breach of probation, new charges arson and mischief over 5000$ and intet to traffic controlled ubstqnces 1200 0xy 500 percs, qnd methwhat did u do to get on probation and house arrest? if u don't mind me asking
barely this is all one case.well 2lord ol mighty sounds like ya got caught for everything u ever did, if i got caught for some of the shit i did i would of been in jail for 10 years
Go oooooooooooooooon...the copgotta suck my balls for a confession.
well itall depends how they licked and cupped come on yessi you know this! step by step, do we need I need to teach you!Go oooooooooooooooon...
I just wanted to hear you say it...well itall depends how they licked and cupped come on yessi you know this! step by step, do we need I need to teach you!
oh @Yessica... I love you. you know what to do with them thangs, will you be mine? I'll stop doing all the things the dr tells me not too....I just wanted to hear you say it...
I'm not getting drunk - but I DO have a glass of wine in my hand!
And watching "The Professional"
It's awesome.