Time to TURN THE PAGE - maybe?

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Well-Known Member
View attachment 3428285

any1 else notice that instead of defending her,
they just point out how nice her tits are ???

tits are like her only redeeming quality.. ...
if I had nice tits I bet I could get away with posting 4000+ times in a month too ......

Oh main liner - you are one crazy fucker.


I mean whatever sock you are. You're not mainliner, you're some dickless, spineless, silly silly sock puppet.
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Well-Known Member

A person nicer than me pointed out in a private message that you are in a manic cycle right now. I will let you go ahead and ride this out. You know the fetal position, under the covers crying is the next part of these swings right? Don't use food or booze to make yourself feel better. You can't fill that hole with substances.

get better
shut up buddy

right ?


Well-Known Member
she dont evn grow........

just knows how 2 spam

but, at least she has nice tits

wot wot lol
First of all, I think most tits are nice...obviously someone can post a pic of some crazy misshapen titty or some 100yo titties, but on a whole I like most tits I see. I don't necessarily think it's about how nice hers are, just more so that she has them, and shows them off.

That being said, if I could increase the amount of bare titties in every aspect of my life, I would. So it's nice to see some people like Yessi and @Flaming Pie showing off their goods...

Think of RIU as my living room, and the titties are the fine art on the walls...would you rather look at a blank canvas??


Well-Known Member
ur right...............

if we put up with the crazy attention whorin g, we eventually get tits!!!!

i like the way you think mister
Look, I see your POV...I've gotten into it with Yessi a couple times now, and said some pretty nasty thing myself. Brought her to tears and all that. Not proud of it, and I know I'm a dick most of the time...

But just ignore it. You're not part of the solution. You're part of the problem by feeding into it in any way shape and form. Positive or negative attention, attention is attention. Get it? You're just perpetuating the cycle...


Well-Known Member

Look, I see your POV...I've gotten into it with Yessi a couple times now, and said some pretty nasty thing myself. Brought her to tears and all that. Not proud of it, and I know I'm a dick most of the time...

But just ignore it. You're not part of the solution. You're part of the problem by feeding into it in any way shape and form. Positive or negative attention, attention is attention. Get it? You're just perpetuating the cycle...
well said

"""you're not part of the solution. You're part of the problem"""

this makes him the whole problem in my eyes.


Well-Known Member
none. someone sent them to me. You are not liked by all people here. I guess the ones that do not talk shit to you do not get tagged and followed around. They are smarter than I am.

I am stalking you?

You made this thread about me and how you want me to like you.
Give it up, I will never be your fan.
it does come off a little creepy man...
maybe you should just leave it alone?
I suppose i'm not exactly unbiased, because I think yessica is a nice girl, but I don't know her, and I don't know you, but you seem a lil more into the whole thing than she is.
And posting sad pictures of her crying?
That's straight-up a dick-move man. No excuse.
Hope you are proud of your behavior, it's plain as day to us reading this thread that, that was pretty fucked up.


Well-Known Member
I'll be right over
All the globs you want bro. I love the way it sizzles and crackles the second it hits the hot nail. It kinda has a burnt plastic taste but the effects are pretty awesome once the headache is gone. When you get to my house walk a zig zag pattern from left to right I have punji stakes and death pits burried all over my front yard.


Well-Known Member
@Yessica... just to let you know, the last 10 posts you've posted here are about @Trousers, yet he's not responded. You continue to dig at him, and he's stopped. Why? Are you trying to troll him and get him to bash you more? Does that sort of thing turn you on? ( Serious question, not trying to poke )


Well-Known Member
i found these memes on google u guys. enjoy

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i am like so totally cray you guys

because VAGINA.


EDIT: no one liked this comment so i am going to edit in a random gif..,,,,,,,.if this doesn't get a like in 10 minutes i will do another edit and start tagging random people
View attachment 3428319

EDITER: @stinkyjoe why wont anyone pay attention to me?!!
i smell jelousy

or some sort of " like me and not her" mental issue.


Well-Known Member

Look, I see your POV...I've gotten into it with Yessi a couple times now, and said some pretty nasty thing myself. Brought her to tears and all that. Not proud of it, and I know I'm a dick most of the time...

But just ignore it. You're not part of the solution. You're part of the problem by feeding into it in any way shape and form. Positive or negative attention, attention is attention. Get it? You're just perpetuating the cycle...
Hey, I know we fought. But it also happened to be the very night of my break up.

I was in tears for other reasons doll. I don't even remember what was said. hahaha

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