Time to TURN THE PAGE - maybe?

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Well-Known Member
It'll be ok soon son, the healing is about to begin.
Is that another threat?
What am I up against little boy?

Remember when you said that? That was so precious.

I imagine you puffing out your chest, stubbing out your Virginia Slim and angrily posting, "You do not know what you are up against."

That was great. How long did it take you to calm down after that one?


Well-Known Member
You are really bad this.
Try to stick on topic.
Quit ignoring context.
Random thoughts that pop into your head may be funny to you, but they are just lame once posted.

Write your comments down on paper, read them out loud to yourself and maybe your caretaker, then burn them.


Well-Known Member
You are really bad this.
Try to stick on topic.
Quit ignoring context.
Random thoughts that pop into your head may be funny to you, but they are just lame once posted.

Write your comments down on paper, read them out loud to yourself and maybe your caretaker, then burn them.



Well-Known Member
Trollzers anal orifice is bleeding badly, somebody quick get him a tampon.
Wow, STILL going eh?

I disagree, I'll be YOUR bitch. Or maybe we can switch it up every once in awhile?

One week you are my bitch, the next I am your bitch.

Do some people really believe that's how friendship works? That's so very sad.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
abe, you are going to have to chose. Are you my bitch or yessica's bitch?

It is cute that you think I am a sock puppet. You have to be a special kind of stupid to think that.
I guess you are blinded by the possibility of another tit pic. Silly little epooner.
I don't think you are a sock.

I seem to remember seeing you in the newbie forum helping out. Like in the whats wrong with my plant types.

You jabbed a bit at Yessica with some one liners in response to some of her posts. Outside of this thread. I think it was in random jibber.

Other than that, you were just trolling a bit.

Really @Yessica... I know you have been in a break up and that can make someone project. Trousers is not your ex. He's not friends with your ex. He just doesnt like your style of posting.

None of it really matters. You have alot of free time now on here cause you are trying to ignore the elephant in the room (your boyfriend). You really should just move out asap. Even if you lose money. You will feel a whole lot better.

As much as I love drama, this is really just sad to watch at times because I do care about ya.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Is that another threat?
What am I up against little boy?

Remember when you said that? That was so precious.

I imagine you puffing out your chest, stubbing out your Virginia Slim and angrily posting, "You do not know what you are up against."

That was great. How long did it take you to calm down after that one?
virginia slims.. haha.

man cigarette

virgina slims


Well-Known Member
I don't think you are a sock.

I seem to remember seeing you in the newbie forum helping out. Like in the whats wrong with my plant types.

You jabbed a bit at Yessica with some one liners in response to some of her posts. Outside of this thread. I think it was in random jibber.

Other than that, you were just trolling a bit.

Really @Yessica... I know you have been in a break up and that can make someone project. Trousers is not your ex. He's not friends with your ex. He just doesnt like your style of posting.

None of it really matters. You have alot of free time now on here cause you are trying to ignore the elephant in the room (your boyfriend). You really should just move out asap. Even if you lose money. You will feel a whole lot better.

As much as I love drama, this is really just sad to watch at times because I do care about ya.
No worries man, I appreciate the sentiment.

This dude is TRYING to make me upset. And it's very obvious, and weird as shit.

But I'll be dammed if it isn't entertaining.

As soon as he posted a picture of me crying, about a month ago - his fate with me was sealed. I just waited until now to "fight back" so to speak.

Sure, I had a misguided attempt to try to put it in the past, but I am the first to admit now that it was a terrible idea.

He's gross. And sad. And pathetic. And a million other characteristics belonging to someone that can only make themselves feel better by trying to bring other people down.

Some people just want to watch the world burn...

I don't care at all if you like the guy. I just don't.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you are a sock.

I seem to remember seeing you in the newbie forum helping out. Like in the whats wrong with my plant types.

You jabbed a bit at Yessica with some one liners in response to some of her posts. Outside of this thread. I think it was in random jibber.

Other than that, you were just trolling a bit.
yessica is trolling me. I just reply. Shall we count posts?
abe is epooning, windmilling and flailing, it is funny


Well-Known Member
yessica is trolling me. I just reply. Shall we count posts?
abe is epooning, windmilling and flailing, it is funny
How is it humanly possible for me to be trolling you in a thread I started about making up?

How many negative comments have you made about me. Sure, you're just "telling me how you feel".

But how many? You can list all the things you don't like about me again, if you want.

I don't play quote bukakke quite like you. I scan your messages, but I don't pay a lot of attention to them. It's just the same shit over and over and over and over and over again.

It's fucking old.

You dislike me - awesome. I know. Everybody fucking knows dude. So just fuck off. Go hang out wherever it is you used to hang out before all this nonsense. Because it certainly wasn't around me. We had ZERO communication before a month ago.

So fuck off already. It's sooooooooooooooooo redonkulous.

Would you like to now try to pick apart how many vowels I used in the word "so"?

Try calling me an attention whore again, that was a good one. Or fat, that's amazing. I liked it the best when you told me that I was a FAKE bisexual. And also that I wasn't actually crazy.

You are such a tool, it's insane.


Well-Known Member
definite victim.
You are the victim of bad DNA and terrible upbringing.

Remember when you said I was obsessed?
Wouldn't you think that the obsessed person would be the one making a thread about the other?
Wouldn't you think that the obsessed person would make more posts about the other?
Is the obsessed person the one that asks to not be tagged any more?
Does the obsessed person only reply to posts?

Now you are tagging me?



Well-Known Member
You are the victim of bad DNA and terrible upbringing.

Remember when you said I was obsessed?
Wouldn't you think that the obsessed person would be the one making a thread about the other?
Wouldn't you think that the obsessed person would make more posts about the other?
Is the obsessed person the one that asks to not be tagged any more?
Does the obsessed person only reply to posts?

Now you are tagging me?

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