Well-Known Member
Yea and then like 3 weeks later shit just started getting boring.I agree it was all good till they let you off restriction.
Yea and then like 3 weeks later shit just started getting boring.I agree it was all good till they let you off restriction.
Because of you.. It's your fault just accept it already...Yea and then like 3 weeks later shit just started getting boring.
I would accept it if i saw a reason, I just don't see it after my sorry thread no one said on any other thread iloveskywalkerog ruined RIU I never heard my name mentioned after all that stuff went down, there's no reason cause I didn't ruin the site.Because of you.. It's your fault just accept it already...
this has my vote for the absolute best thread I have ever gotten the good fortune enough to read.
Wow, I mean, I can pull like seventeen metric tons of herb in my 12X12 shelf, now.
So informative.
in fact I believe the cure of cancer lies hidden somewhere in the depths of all this astronomically profound information
OK, admittedly I'm a new guy here. The down side of that is I don't know all the history. The upside is I'm not invested in all the history, one way or another. Here's my $0.02, and older members feel free to set me straight.
In just a few months on RIU, the tone of many posts has degenerated to the point where it's hard to even follow. Much of it lately is just bickering, hostility, and petty insults. As I said, I don't know the history, so I wouldn't presume to say who's at fault or why.
My impression when I joined was that it was an online forum for people knowledgeable about marijuana use, growing, etc. I thought it was primarily intended, as many of these forums are, as a place for fellowship with like-minded people, and exchange of information, given that there is a lot of knowledge represented here. The wonderful thing about online forums is that you can post a question, and someone, somewhere likely knows the answer. Healthy, even spirited, debate on various topics is worthwhile. I often learn a lot from reading opposing viewpoints. However, as is often said in my profession, you can disagree without being disagreeable.
In even just these few months, I have noticed a fair number of people leaving the forums because of this trend. For the good of everyone involved in RIU, wouldn't it be better to have everyone involved take a deep breath, and tone down the rhetoric a bit? The nice part about a fairly anonymous online forum is that if you don't care for someone's attitude, approach, style, beliefs or whatever, YOU AREN'T REQUIRED TO INTERACT WITH THEM! If they post something you don't care for, so what? Does that really impact your daily life? Are they likely to show up at your house to debate you? I have often found that my own mental health improves if I just disengage from conflict like this. Say "what an idiot" in your head, then move on. Your psychiatrist will thank you, and you'll save a ton of money on anti-anxiety meds.
At any rate, without casting aspersions on any individual, here's hoping we can move RIU on from this pettiness, and return it to being a fun, educational community.
OK, now feel free to bash me, if that's what has to happen.
We are fighting another, much more important force... @rollitup . He has said as much. Axing for stinkliners banning isn't sitting well with him. Bad strategy. Best to flatter him.For starters, how about getting rid of mainliners accounts as soon as they are noticed. That must be too much to ask even though my one and only sock account was toasted on day one.
I don't wanna hear about how someone might not actually be mainliner. It's very obvious and if someone innocent get's canned... well, sometimes small sacrifices must be made for the greater good.
So few Quatloos, so many worth combatants. I salute you.I agree with your words Dr. Jon. I've been here for a few months... There are Trolls everywhere online. We can't stop them nor do I wish to try.
Three years ago I was at this site and left due to complications with my health. I was known as Medicine4me.
I came back now because my health is better and I'm having fun growing again!
I can roll with the best punches... We can only do the best we can and that will be okay...
No world wars are started here... we will survive and continue to be part of a very cool place. RIU - YOU ROCK!
Is this why Chewy left?
Once again mods can see the location of the user, so if mainliner did make a new account mods will know..
But I think mods may indeed know stinkyliner is him, but lets look to why he was banned anyways. I do know GNW had given him warning but sunni banned him for spamming.
As annoying as he maybe, you can not ban someone for being annoying..
I feel RIU prides itself on not being over modrated, which is a good thing.
respawn and keep on fighting.