Club 600

Another RAW papers fan here :bigjoint:

I gave up Tabaco last year, enjoy vaping me herb in the daytime when I can, but come the night nothing beats a pure joint for me. I was looking to roll a 12 strain joint this week but my house seems to be the hang out in the school holidays, kids everywhere I look all day long lol, most seem to stay for food and the fridge and biscuit tin is empty :o:mrgreen:.

breeders seeds, exactly 1 week from getting them out of the seed packet, not the best of pics.
breeders seeds.JPG

slow dog :mrgreen:
slow dog.JPG

deep blue x engineers dream #1 lagging a little behind the others, but really happy with the results so far
Do you guys use roaches in your joints? e.g, I pop a little bit of rolled up cardboard in the tip of the joint so as not to be smoking and getting bud in my gob:) I have just seen a lot of 'merican jays without roaches.:)

There's always a filter/tip in mine. It's hard to see in that pic but it's there :)

Also helps the end from getting and soggy too ;)
Exactly, fuk soggy joints lol. I've never quite understood why people do it without a tip.

Anyhoo, nice balloon pics. My wife took me up in a hot air balloon (I am shit scared of heights at the best of time these days). I literally clung onto the basket in the hope we would land safely.....the guy in control (or not in control as it seems with hot air balloons) told us that with his ropes he could "kind off" have an influence in where it flies, but only an influence, not 100% control....ffwd to 20 minute later flying over a power station then skimming the tops of trees only to land on a dyke (which I was quite impressed with the guys landing skills at least). We had to wait in a field for 20 minutes for the support car while we were attacked with mosquitoes ffs...I have never seen so many of the things since I was in the jungle in Malaysia...dive boming my face like kamikazee pilots.
I've had people in the states make jokes about using a tip. I didn't understand where they were coming from, but that's I guess the norm there. "Oh, you use a crutch (is what they called it), well, haha, I guess you are new to rolling joints"
personally i prefer tips or crutches
to help avoid the end closing and getting messed up

plus if you fold the paper a bit before putting it in ,
it also acts as a little guard against small pieces of nug shooting back into your mouth

peace, love, and weed
happy gardening all and good morning to you guys !