List 7 Things That Are Going On Around You At This Moment

1 The universe is expanding, 2 we are flying around in the universe in some chaotic bliss, 3 the moon is flying around our planet in a way that is strange, it rotates at the same rate as earth only showing one side.4 It's raining, 5 dog is sleeping 6 bugs munching on my plants. 7 playing around on rollitup and doing what I should be doing like getting rid of the bugs munching on my plants.
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Americas got talent making me almost cry because I stuff my feelings until some random stutterer touches my heart.

My cats and dogs are on several seek and destroy/play with missions.

My wife is monitoring the kids and I just in case we bring something yummy In the room.

Riu is live on a laptop no one is sitting at.

If I were to leave the room I'm in now I would encounter my sons ripping dabs and playing video games as they have two days off at work.

Fuck it who am I kidding they would be smoking regardless.

Not sure how many that is.
Someone is watching Grumpy Old Men
Can still hear birds outside (it's dusk)
Weed kicking in
Ice cubes clink in whiskey glass
Cat just walked across key board

Ok, I can only list 5. I'm boring as shit. LOL You?
dogs sleeping happily
shitty syndicated tv episode playing
leftover pizza getting cold
unopened beer getting warm
cats begging to go outside

i guess i'm boring as shit too
I failed at the 420 thread and I posted the thread, except it and move on. You always have next time, until you don't.
I failed at the 420 thread and I posted the thread, except it and move on. You always have next time, until you don't.

Okay, 7 new things:

Green smoothie sitting next to me…. will finish
Steak on grill can hear/smell it
frying plank fries w/ rosemary to have w/ said steak
Always the drone of some inane t.v. show (I swear if I lived alone I would NOT own t.v. satellite/cable, just the device to watch movies on)
I'm brown as a berry from being in the sun all day
Shit! 7 is hard, I should have made it 5
Everyone is bitching about Russel Wilson and his contract
kilo kish playing in the other tab, my son is playing on his kindle behind me, daughter is laying on the couch next to him watchin bs on tv, wifey is down the hall watching tv, the ac is blowing, im rollin a J, a car just drove by
Laying in the same spot I took a nap at
Dog looking at me like he wants to play
Ignoring my dog because I don't want to play
Already gave up on drinking today, too tired
Enjoying my day off the boring way
The Phenomonauts are playing "Banned from the pubs" on the Hifi. Next up is River City Riot..
Best friend is sitting next to me on my frakenstein ice chest, helping me trim, watching me type this.
14 Newcastle empties are sitting on the neon pink table.
2 squirrels in the trees outside the garage are barking at each other.
Drunk neighbors are BBQing for the second consecutive day in a row. Smells heavenly.
Just got a text from my girl begging me to front her a zip.
A wet fart is wafting up out of my cargo shorts. Smells heavenly.

I am totally not boring.
lightning strikes
I stir the chili con carne
neighbors working on his bike in the garage again i can hear the impact wrench
I sip my Moscow mule
notice Pinworm is here get a boner
netflix is perpetually loading
and the thunder rolls
Sitting in the car waiting for my friend to get home..

Eating cold pecan smoked sausage.

Needing to pee, so hoping he hurries the fuck up..

Watching my dog lick his balls..

Listening to Z-Ro

About to roll a blunt..

Still needing to pee