all the straighteners have ceramic plates. I've wondered how steel plates would do... when those sic plates come out ..... I haven't seen a steel nail either. Steel doesn't tarnish like silver does. I wonder why no ones made them. Steel is cheaper $$$ than titanium too.
What straighteners have ceramic plates? I've been collecting them for awhile now to steal the plates and heating elements, and every single one (from cheap ones to high end ones with screens) all have (what appear to be extruded) aluminum plates.
Aluminum is better at evenly spreading the heat around which is probably why it's used over steel. And as the previous poster mentioned steel would be horrible for a nail. Although I do find it interesting that people don't seem to mind the vape pens which use Kanthal wire, being made mostly of iron.
so I broke the press... not sure how but thank god for HF it was missing parts and they still took it back.. I wanted to keep the plates
I consistently go .3 off of 1 gram of dry sift. what about yall?
well it was 7 grams of sift off of 27.8 grams of flower
so you generally get 50% on your sift. one press or 2 or 3
ice tea... like the stuff I drink? or the tea bags from Aqua labs
ice tea... like the stuff I drink? or the tea bags from Aqua labs
Teabag tech is where its at I cut my blotting screen up from my bubble bags and sewed it together so I got a 25micron teabag that I press with my Remington hair straightener(it has aluminum plates hyroot) I saw some people use a hot t-shirt press or a pneumonic press I been looking into purchasing a good press but with no youtube videos of anyone ever using a hydraulic press I have been hesitant to make a purchase.
You are actually right, its a polished ceramic that looks silver here's the description off remingtons websitemake sure ro use either nylon or kevlar thread.
nylon - 485°
kevlar - 800°
my Remington has ceramic plates. Its practically brand new...
ceramic can be polished to look almost like aluminum. But aluminum would burn hair. They don't make them with straight aluminum. If they use aluminum. They coat them with ceramic. The coated ones are lower quality. They crack and break.
aluminum has a lower melting point too.