Time to TURN THE PAGE - maybe?

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Well-Known Member
He's not the site owner, just a worthless admin that encourages trolling.
Isn't this a thread to "get over" past angers?

If you want, that is.

I know your upset you got banned for the fruit loop butthole, and others did not.

It isn't very fair - you got that right.

But, after now seeing what people are allowed to get away with, I'm not going to feel too guilty in the future with a little nip slip.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Isn't this a thread to "get over" past angers?

If you want, that is.

I know your upset you got banned for the fruit loop butthole, and others did not.

It isn't very fair - you got that right.

But, after now seeing what people are allowed to get away with, I'm not going to feel too guilty in the future with a little nip slip.
It's not just that, he is a power tripping douchebag with a political agenda. I guess I expected the site admin to be held to a higher standard than regular members. But then again this is trollitup and I love it. He is more concerned with nudity than trolls running off good members.


Well-Known Member
It's not just that, he is a power tripping douchebag with a political agenda. I guess I expected the site admin to be held to a higher standard than regular members. But then again this is trollitup and I love it. He is more concerned with nudity than trolls running off good members.
Yeah - what the fuck is with that?

Someone can troll the fuck out of a person, but one little asshole full o cereal and you get the BAN HAMMER.


Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Isn't this a thread to "get over" past angers?

If you want, that is.

I know your upset you got banned for the fruit loop butthole, and others did not.

It isn't very fair - you got that right.

But, after now seeing what people are allowed to get away with, I'm not going to feel too guilty in the future with a little nip slip.
just make sure sunni isn't around, she was on your nuts pretty hard last month in your naughty thread


Well-Known Member
just make sure sunni isn't around, she was on your nuts pretty hard last month in your naughty thread
Yeah - I think she was just getting really annoyed because all the pathetic socks and jealous, dickless, fun ruining cunts were reporting and spamming like crazy.


Well-Known Member
Oh look - a sock account

How very brave of you to hide EVEN FURTHER behind the anonymity of the Internet.

You're such a FUNNY GUY. did you download Rolli's picture all on your own? Wow you're so smart.

You are pathetic, dickless, and spineless.

If you have something to say to someone, put on your big boy pants and be a real fuckin man and just say it.

You're vagina is so gaping and sandy it's like the Sarrlacc.


I will ignore and report all socks from this moment on.

At least the fucking cunts that only use it to troll because they're scared little bitches and afraid of saying things in their regular clothes.

Fucking Eunuchs...


Well-Known Member

If you happen to be a good person and you just got banned because the rules here are not the same for everyone, then I don't mind.

I apologize for my previous outburst. I just really hate the socks that are pussies.

I knew ONE sock once, and he had the biggest dick I've ever seen on the Internet.

It just might be YOU. sorry for being a cunt.



Well-Known Member
I would like to know @GreatwhiteNorth , @fdd2blk , @racerboy71

How is it that Some accounts can "get away" with malicious personal attacks, and saying the worst shit I have ever heard. And then some people get banned for talking "out of turn".

It doesn't make sense to me.

Can someone explain it? Maybe it's because I'm Canadian.

I just don't get why the rules are not the same for everyone here.


Well-Known Member
It is hilarious how incredibly stupid people think I am a sock.
I made this account 3 years ago just so I could troll people that have not even joined yet?

I must be the most brilliant sock puppet that ever existed.
I am like a fucking internet Nostradamus.

Bow before me and soak up all the glory that is Trousers.


Well-Known Member
Reported for being a snivelling little pussy...


I won't read your shit.

Turn the page already queer bait

(No offence to the gays, he actually does try to suck Internet cock by sucking up to people - FACT).
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