Which do you find more offensive?

Which do you find more offensive?

  • Conservative talk radio

    Votes: 21 60.0%
  • Rap music

    Votes: 14 40.0%

  • Total voters
Seems like it's just a lot of hatred, conspiracy theories and government bashing.
I find the choices to be heavily loaded with racist and overtly political overtones. Both of these are deeply offensive so I would have to vote for the OP as the most offensive part of this thread.
we all know you wouldn't go anywhere near a black person, rat.

Sheskunk is not black, she just looks black in that light. Here she is in a different light later that day.

Does it just fucking suck being you or what?

Not according to everybody I have ever met. A few gay blades on the internet who want to mooch off of everybody else seem to resent my independent streak, though.

And you know the colonel would hit that. He might even take her to St. Petersburg to meet the politburo, and let the politburo meat her. Violently. Repeatedly.
Not according to everybody I have ever met. A few gay blades on the internet who want to mooch off of everybody else seem to resent my independent streak, though.

And you know the colonel would hit that. He might even take her to St. Petersburg to meet the politburo, and let the politburo meat her. Violently. Repeatedly.
Let's touch wieners with each other.
Not according to everybody I have ever met. A few gay blades on the internet who want to mooch off of everybody else seem to resent my independent streak, though.

if you're an independent, then why are your talking points taken nearly verbatim from white supremacy sources?
Yeah We know You have feelings for Bucktard eh? ringworm..
I will not hear another word against him. He is a man of integrity, and honor. He raises the tone of this forum by being a part of it. And, you are just an angry mess.