summer's coming on

Do you like the summertime/MLK day invasion of klansmen?

  • Yes, I am one of them.

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Well-Known Member
and you know what that means, right?

the white supremacy crew is gonna kick it into high gear. happens every summer without fail.

beenthere is back, ginwilly is back, desert rat is starting to wish federal prison time on growers again, and the rend pawl spam is ramping up.

i predict 4-6 new sock puppets by the end of june alone.
Idk. I may just eat a couple valium and lip a fat rail. I'm nervous, dude. Flying out to see a good friend tomorrow. I fucking hate airports. It's going to be a butthole clencher for sure...
Idk. I may just eat a couple valium and lip a fat rail. I'm nervous, dude. Flying out to see a good friend tomorrow. I fucking hate airports. It's going to be a butthole clencher for sure...

I hate airports too. All those federal agent, high school dropouts squeezing your junk, and being herded through machines that zap you with high energy electrons. It's enough to shrivel your pod.
Oh, come now, abe. Trousers contributes good growing advice, and is a pretty funny dude. Plus, he has good taste in beer. I even learned how to make feminized seeds from reading his posts in the growing section!