Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
It would also be nice if you acknowledged rightful ownership of property, but you don't, and that's why your entire philosophy is flawed from the start
Okay, I'll bite, who or what can own property?
It would also be nice if you acknowledged rightful ownership of property, but you don't, and that's why your entire philosophy is flawed from the start
Inaccurate Meathead. I think it is heinous.
Tax churches and tax unions.
then why do i have dozens of quotes from you specifically stating that paying children for sex is a "voluntary" and "consensual" thing to do?
Anything that is consented to by the participants absent duress could be voluntary and consensual.
A new culture is born ?
An entire country has been fucking each other up the ass since the days of sparta , where do you think the term "Greek" for anal sex came from , soldier dudes in moses robes bending over another soldier , lifting his robe & banging the hell out of his ass .
It all depends on what the meaning of "is" is.
Anything that is consented to by the participants absent duress could be voluntary and consensual. The nature of the act does not mean an act is or is not voluntary and consensual, does it Inspector Bonehead?
You have combined is and could be as if they mean the same thing, just like you sometimes think a floor and a toilet are the same thing.
How dare homosexual people DEMAND equal rights.. Fucking disgusting, amirite...It really has nothing to do with the act it`self,..rather the demands made because of it. To insist you are equal to those who are married to a woman and have kids, just so they can HAVE the same incentives offered to those who support and continue to keep the human race alive,...well then you open the door to the other side that can exercise their Right to live without it.
How dare homosexual people DEMAND equal rights.. Fucking disgusting, amirite...
How dare sterile people DEMAND equal rights, after all, they don't "keep the human race alive", do they? They don't deserve equal rights either!
How dare women who have gone through menopause DEMAND equal rights! Total fucking bullshit, they can't create babies anymore, they might as well be a sack of aged meat, fuck em, amirite!?
Fuck you, retard
That's why you will lose and I will laugh
Because we don't recognize equal rights on the basis of being able to pop out a fucking baby you sack of shit
You know the thing about gay marriage?You mad ? Getting uneasy ? Can`t stand that someone would dare disagree with your beliefs ? You and that type are a big problem in this country....
You know the thing about gay marriage?
Don't want one?
You don't have to get one.
You also have the freedom to fuck off and mind your own business if you want to stop someone else getting one.Nor do I have to share.....
Why is it that you believe that all should support and accept Blacks. What happened to their Right to disagree or even not tolerate it?You have comprehending issues, The very first mother fucking sentence cleared that shit you speak up and you chose to not see it. Gotta love someone that tries to twist each and every thing he does not understand.....
Why is it that you believe that all should support and accept Gays. What happened to their Right to disagree or even not tolerate it ?
Don`t tell me what I should support or accept, aint no God or King....
You know the thing about gay marriage?
Don't want one?
You don't have to get one.
You also have the freedom to fuck off and mind your own business if you want to stop someone else getting one.
Why is it that you believe that all should support and accept Blacks. What happened to their Right to disagree or even not tolerate it?
No it's because lawyers generally work pro bono for human rights issues, you dumb facist.Gays have spent a lot of money on lawyers to get something to work in their favor, and it`s looking successful too,, Why can`t I work to get something to work in my favor ? Is it because Gays have Rights and I don`t ?