how to get bigger colas?

it was troll time when you got here, On page 6, dumbass

you're just butthurt from the asswhoopin you got
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All old timers are set I'm their ways and swrew the new fandangled things. Are you serious? I've grown a but load of FEMS. I don't need any video. I watch it before my very eyes. And the truth is there are guys that get FEMS right. The rest talk shit.

Its just like autos. People say they are weak. Guess what. I grew some to see. Guess what. Its like any other weed. It can be fire or it can't. Mostly determined by grower.

I have grown my shar over the years. But they back up my statement. Funny how you have to.put them down lol. They are the top of the industry.

you just show how much of a newb you are and how immature. You definitely are not 33. They're not that much older

autos are made by crossing a regular satviva, indica, or hybrid with a ruderalis (dirt Mexican weed 3% THC). So they are weak. 12/12 from seed with photo strains produce far better. That's a fact.

its very obvious to everyone you know nothing about breeding, horticulture, and botany
this should help
I have grown my shar over the years. But they back up my statement. Funny how you have to.put them down lol. They are the top of the industry.

you just show how much of a newb you are and how immature. You definitely are not 33. They're not that much older

autos are made by crossing a regular satviva, indica, or hybrid with a ruderalis (dirt Mexican weed 3% THC). So they are weak. 12/12 from seed with photo strains orofice better. That's a fact.
No. I meant that most people say autos are bad. They are not. Most i have grown have been fire. Just like the FEMS are stable.
keep telling yourself that
Where did I put autos down. I said they are like most weed. Some people will knock mexi brick seeds. Guess what. Give me 100 brick seeds and you 100 of your choice. I will find and grow better fire than you will.

Good growers can take shit and make it good.

Bad growers will take good and turn it to shit.

Never mind. No point in arguing.
I had over a lb of mex seeds before one of my spots got raided back in like sept.

I would take those seeds back over any "strain" ive ever purchased or grown out. Been told by many people theyve never smoked anything like it. A real s.a. landrace..

But how to get bigger colas: i took this post from a couple years back, i realize its not nearly as great without the pictures but hey riu decided we didnt need any of the old pictures or info from pm's and clubs etc

you wouldnt do it on an indica..idk though
some heavy Sativas don't have a "stretch" and they simply keep growing through flower...If you top it once the colas fairly developed it will swell.. just nick the top of the can get a nice fat 8" wide bud doing that..instead of a 6 foot sword

Plants that don't continue to stretch..your yield will be reduced somewhat and not much exciting really happens..ive only done this on heavy sativas..
This can also cause mold with such huge colas!
But are an amazing sight, easy sellers

Let's see if I can't figure out how to move album pics over here

Hopefully those are was heavier, topped to keep even canopy to get the most out of my lights..and yes yield was improved

Went 22 or 23 weeks heavy sativa

Also 12/12 from seed
I had over a lb of mex seeds before one of my spots got raided back in like sept.

I would take those seeds back over any "strain" ive ever purchased or grown out. Been told by many people theyve never smoked anything like it. A real s.a. landrace..

But how to get bigger colas: i took this post from a couple years back, i realize its not nearly as great without the pictures but hey riu decided we didnt need any of the old pictures or info from pm's and clubs etc

you wouldnt do it on an indica..idk though
some heavy Sativas don't have a "stretch" and they simply keep growing through flower...If you top it once the colas fairly developed it will swell.. just nick the top of the can get a nice fat 8" wide bud doing that..instead of a 6 foot sword

Plants that don't continue to stretch..your yield will be reduced somewhat and not much exciting really happens..ive only done this on heavy sativas..
This can also cause mold with such huge colas!
But are an amazing sight, easy sellers

Let's see if I can't figure out how to move album pics over here

Hopefully those are was heavier, topped to keep even canopy to get the most out of my lights..and yes yield was improved

Went 22 or 23 weeks heavy sativa

Also 12/12 from seed
I love growing them. Its just with my constraints its easier to grow reputable fem seeds.
nope. A style of growing invented in the early 1940's. A method that revitalized the land and brought this country out of the dust bowl

read this book

View attachment 3431262
Oh thats right. You're the dude that blames the dust bowl on chemicals. And here the rest of us thought it was 3 seperate, yet closing spaced, severe droughts. Along with the removal of native prairie grasses. I do believe you also claim deforestation as a cause too.
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I have grown my shar over the years. But they back up my statement. Funny how you have to.put them down lol. They are the top of the industry.

you just show how much of a newb you are and how immature. You definitely are not 33. They're not that much older

autos are made by crossing a regular satviva, indica, or hybrid with a ruderalis (dirt Mexican weed 3% THC). So they are weak. 12/12 from seed with photo strains produce far better. That's a fact.

its very obvious to everyone you know nothing about breeding, horticulture, and botany

WRONG! Mexican in any form, is not a Ruderalis!!!!

There ARE high THC Auto's out there Root......The early days of nasty Auto's are gone dude! (I don't do auto's)

is there ANYONE who does have the same views? I haven't seen it. Cept maybe unclebuck and he was just trolling as usual.

i have seen one or two other members who believe similar things, ironically their gardens look ok

whatever hyroot believes he is unable to translate this into practical growing of healthy plants

i have seen many of his pictures and videos, it is clear to me that his plants often start off looking ok in veg
but once they get to 4 weeks or so of flower deficiencies are clearly evident, along with pests etc

he refuses to supply nutes to his plants and instead feeds them scraps and teas, other users say they do the same but they manage to keep their plants green

just take a look a the stems of hyroots plants they are thinner than twiglets , the leaves are small and have few blades
the leaves are always covered in some kind of residue and or evidence of pest infestation
they look dull and lack the lushness they should have, they do not shine
brown marks on the edges of his leaves, twisted dying leaves yellowing leaves and here was me thinking leaves should be green lush and shiny


then to top it off he posts pictures of buds with at least 3 cat hairs clearly visible stuck to the bud

hyroot should buy some nutes, feed his plants, tidy up, and keep the cat out of the grow room
but no, he is not having any of it, i find the situation sad really, i mean i would even send the guy some nutes if he is short of cash
