Ostego co raids

I didn't see this mentioned in thread yet but is fairly significant: No one was arrested and stores were not closed, however 19 automobiles were seized.
I didn't see this mentioned in thread yet but is fairly significant: No one was arrested and stores were not closed, however 19 automobiles were seized.

Cute. Now the thieves are the ones with badges.

How do you like that republican paradise you've created up there, anyway?

You might check in with hog farmers, see how they like it too- assuming you can find any left.
Brenda talked to the city treasurer this morning. He said the prosecutor has decided that dispensaries are illegal. So it doesn't look like any of them will be able to operate.
Anyone know of any suitable buildings in flint or detroit?
Cute. Now the thieves are the ones with badges.

How do you like that republican paradise you've created up there, anyway?

You might check in with hog farmers, see how they like it too- assuming you can find any left.
Sad isn't it? What the hell happened to our Democrat utopia that the DNC had relied upon and exploited for so many decades? Let me tell you that the reality of blindly following politics and politicians hurts and destroys communities. Care to take a walk in our shoes and examine our short history from being literally on top of the world to the bottom of these United States in a half century flat?

When the Feds, their cash, direction and/or influence come knocking on your door tomorrow to shove federal supremacy down your throat, which political party will you blame? Whom is responsible for this "problem", the maintenance of MJ as a Schedule I Controlled Substance today? It's an absurdity with nearly half the states having medical laws and ten percent with recreational isn't it? Which side of the isle are all the lawyers, unions and "treatment facilities" lobbying this absurdity into reality coming from today?

Tomorrow (6-3-15) there will be a bunch of amendments hitting the floor in DC to once again address these federal funds still being funneled into states like ours to prop up these "task forces" assaulting, robbing and imprisoning state patients and caregivers nationwide. Let's hope for some good headlines and eventually the unemployment line for all of these nardowells. Those 19 cars won't keep them afloat long considering the rate of cash they burn through. Get the money out of the game and the game will end regardless of the political masters ability to pretend MMJ is a schedule I controlled substance ...
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Tomorrow (6-3-15) there will be a bunch of amendments hitting the floor in DC to once again address these federal funds still being funneled into states like ours to prop up these "task forces" assaulting, robbing and imprisoning state patients and caregivers nationwide. Let's hope for some good headlines and eventually the unemployment line for all of these nardowells. Those 19 cars won't keep them afloat long considering the rate of cash they burn through. Get the money out of the game and the game will end regardless of the political masters ability to pretend MMJ is a schedule I controlled substance ...

GOP-controlled House backs state medical marijuana laws

House Votes In Favor Of Medical Marijuana Protections
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Natural remedies was my store, lol, ??NOW WHAT MOTHERFUCKERS?? see they never thought of me/us when they closed down the stores, asshat politicians.