no difference in cost to run, a 1000 watts is a 1000watts. The new gavitas allow you to choose 110v or 220vQuick noob question. Looking into picking one of these setups up myself and was wondering the difference in volts for the different models? I looked around a bit for some info but only saw articles and posts about electric bills and saving some $. Just wondering if there is a major difference between 120v 240v or 400v. I know theres some differences just need them explained thanks.
wont any digital dimmable ballast run a de? i was looking at some cheap 600 watt ballasts that say they will run de.. so if so i can use the ballasts i already have and would only need a hood and bulbs to switch to is it true any digital ballast will run de?? i also thought of switching to dual arc bulbs insted of mh/hps i could use the same bulb from veg-finish..
any proof de is better??
wont any digital dimmable ballast run a de? i was looking at some cheap 600 watt ballasts that say they will run de.. so if so i can use the ballasts i already have and would only need a hood and bulbs to switch to is it true any digital ballast will run de?? i also thought of switching to dual arc bulbs insted of mh/hps i could use the same bulb from veg-finish..
any proof de is better??
so stick with my reg hps/mh no de?? any thoughts on the dual arc bulbs?Buy crap get crap. Think and put a plan on paper. You've got it brother. Take your time. Good luck.
To answer your question will it work. Check the bulbs operating voltage. DE is a scam I feel. Using gavita 600w ballast operating at 240v input. Firing 400v SE Phillips bulbs.
Whatever makes you smile at the end of the day. 1000w is a 1000w on your power bill. DE bulbs shut off automatically after a predetermined life expectancy. I've never been interested in dual arc bulbs. Remember everyone's trying to get paid. Personally I feel the DE bulbs are a scam to the U.S. market. We can go on and on about this if you want. Story short... Run it! Or replace it with gavita. Either way move your ass the sun is going stick with my reg hps/mh no de?? any thoughts on the dual arc bulbs?
no difference in cost to run, a 1000 watts is a 1000watts. The new gavitas allow you to choose 110v or 220v
if the old mag ballasts is pulling more than a 1000 watts, then yes, BUT,Like I said, the way you get charged for power, a 1000 watts is a 1000 watts, it costs exactly the same to run.Disagree; you can run a 1000watt bulb through an olde wolde mag ballast and burn half as much leccy again as todays, 1000w gavvies!!!! (to get the same performance!)
It's down to efficiency . . . . . AND the PAR/UVb that bulb bulb promotes > watts used. . . . . . imho
Whatever makes you smile at the end of the day. 1000w is a 1000w on your power bill. DE bulbs shut off automatically after a predetermined life expectancy. I've never been interested in dual arc bulbs. Remember everyone's trying to get paid. Personally I feel the DE bulbs are a scam to the U.S. market. We can go on and on about this if you want. Story short... Run it! Or replace it with gavita. Either way move your ass the sun is going down.
if the old mag ballasts is pulling more than a 1000 watts, then yes, BUT,Like I said, the way you get charged for power, a 1000 watts is a 1000 watts, it costs exactly the same to run.
well, I see what you're saying, I get more gpw with a gavita, then it is more efficient, but I am still paying the same in electricity.You feel they are a scam for what reason? Their superior performance per watt of electricity used? The increased light intensity? The longer bulb life? The lack of EMI ?
That's only one side of the equation.
well, I see what you're saying, I get more gpw with a gavita, then it is more efficient, but I am still paying the same in electricity.
Im lost, so you like gavitas or not so much?Mmmmmmmman!
612 watts is used in Gav (with a phillips 400V bulb) to produce over 98000 lumens rich in UVb
674 watts is used to create 89000 of lumen (and a load of heat) from a mag ballast . . . . with a Dual Spec!!!
Or there abouts . . . .
Shit!!!! Please don't ask me to quote!!!!
You're far nearer the G per Watt with a Gavita than you R with a Magnetic ballast and no Phillips 400v bulb!! . . . . . . . .
imho . . .. . .
612 watts is used in Gav (with a phillips 400V bulb) to produce over 98000 lumens rich in UVb
674 watts is used to create 89000 of lumen (and a load of heat) from a mag ballast . . . . with a Dual Spec!!!
Or there abouts . . . .
Shit!!!! Please don't ask me to quote!!!!
You're far nearer the G per Watt with a Gavita than you R with a Magnetic ballast and no Phillips 400v bulb!! . . . . . . . .
imho . . .. . .