Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

I have a hermi 2 months old outdoor he/she bout 2feet tall and has polin sacs on the lower branches that have opend up.can it pollinate all the way up and through the rest of the plant?? And also it's 1 to 2 week throug budding will It stop growing buds and start seeding all will it keep budding?
I have a hermi 2 months old outdoor he/she bout 2feet tall and has polin sacs on the lower branches that have opend up.can it pollinate all the way up and through the rest of the plant?? And also it's 1 to 2 week throug budding will It stop growing buds and start seeding all will it keep budding?
It will keep flowering, but unless you remove the pollen sacs you will have seeded flowers. If you can get rid of them and control any further sacs from opening then you'll get through with some sensi to yield.
It will keep flowering, but unless you remove the pollen sacs you will have seeded flowers. If you can get rid of them and control any further sacs from opening then you'll get through with some sensi to yield.

Will removing pollen sacs stun and slow growth thanks for the reply.
what you know bout purps son! :-D
Will removing pollen sacs stun and slow growth thanks for the reply.
It shouldn't. If anything keep an eye on the areas you remove sacs from for new growth as this often happens as well.

Nice purple broccoli, Don. Where dýou find that pic:)
Just browsing, came across your pea plant. Do you know why the leaves get that whitish discoloration?

I recently transported my peas outside and i'm thinking too much sun or wind. As soon as I put it out side a lot of the leaves became discolored like that, only it took up most of the leaf. They look to be the same pea variety, just asking.
Just browsing, came across your pea plant. Do you know why the leaves get that whitish discoloration?

I recently transported my peas outside and i'm thinking too much sun or wind. As soon as I put it out side a lot of the leaves became discolored like that, only it took up most of the leaf. They look to be the same pea variety, just asking.

Regarding the markings. I honestly don't know. I have seen a lot of pea plants with similar markings. It's definitley not thrips (or pea thrips) so I put it down to the variety.

Perhaps the change in your lot came from a change in the temperature. Peas are fairly early for harvesting so as long as there's a bit of sun and it's not freezing then they are happy. Feel free to post, there are a lot of other veg growers out there who'll throw in their 10 cents worth.

Peace, DST
lol i'm sadly lacking in my own veg dept this year with the impending move. only had one flower on my chilli and that fell off and never grew another. I've a canny pot of rhubarb and that's about it. why is everything i do purple ffs.
Lovely sunny day here in the Dam.
more Kropsla...the older ones are starting to turn and run......I planted too many for us to eat, already feel like a bit of a wabbit!
Cherry Toms>
Red Pepper>
Another Basil Bush>
Sugar snaps are delicious, we've had a couple of meals with them so far....lekker!
Mix of dolce rosso and cherry toms>
Peace, DST
Aye. Could well be braai o'clock. Already at the brouwerij having a beer. Yin in buggy has just woke up though so not sure I'll be here much longer. Getting solar panels fitted at the moment so home is a drilling nightmare.
The azaleas for me seem to be a 1 shot deal per year.
think you jinxed it saying summer might finish at 8 bells man. uk's forcast thundery showers today ffs. one decent day this week and back to cack.

hope the drillers are nearly finito mate. you must be twitchy by now not having shtinkyroom access.