Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
You are something like 10x more likely to die in a car crash on the way to the airport than on the flight.
not true.

the tradeoff point between safety of driving and safety of flying is about 400-600 miles of highway (if you're buckled up and driving sober).


Well-Known Member
Only time I get me some arbys is when they give me those coupons. I walk in there, and ask "do you have those coupons that come on the trays? I left mine at home.". If they kick down, I order huge. If they say no, I say fuck you and walk out.
Nihilist Arby's ‏@nihilist_arbys May 29
This weekend, why wine and dine her and not get laid when you can eat at Arbys alone then sit in your garage with the car on? Arbys: food


Well-Known Member
I remember that a lot of you were kanye west supporters. Where's that thread?

I heard that one of the choices for his baby will be South West.

Ctfu the damn fuckery


Well-Known Member
No lol fuck that. I've never seen any man wear yoga pants.

Women complain how men only look at their ass. But yet that's all that shows in yoga pants. If they just came from the gym or going its one thing.

But nowadays all they do is wear them out like outfits.

I mean when you hear "men all they do is stare at my ass"

Ummm if you are in public and not coming from the gym what you expect ? Like I said it high definitions everything.

If they gonna wear it they better know the world is fucked up. Eyes are going to wander.

Just yesterday I had a convo with a few ladies about it. Then after they stick their asses out and ask "at least its nice right?"

I swear people got shit mixed up somewhere between yr 2005 and now.

People don't keep it real anymore. Except women in yoga pants. And me cause I'm half ugly

Ah Okay I gotcha. No Ladies. It's not fair to bitch about men looking at your ass if you choose to wear yoga pants. Really @TripleMindedGee5150 women just have to pretend to complain so they don't appear to be as desperate as they really are for attention and admiring glances. That is if they are indeed wearing yoga pants to get attention. Many of us wear them for comfort and SOME of us actually work out in them. Besides, at my age if ANYONE glances at this ass, I would be grateful, not pissy LOL


Well-Known Member
not true.

the tradeoff point between safety of driving and safety of flying is about 400-600 miles of highway (if you're buckled up and driving sober).

Highway driving is safer and most people do not spend the majority of their time on highways.

Someone said airplane crashes are 100% fatal, not even close to true.
I can't figure out how being a passenger in a car is less scary than flying from a control standpoint.
There are dangers every where wile driving.
Riding with my 16 year old cousin was much scarier to me than any flight I have been on.

I am just trying to understand the psychology so I can understand my own issues better.

If you will excuse me, I have to go yell at the squirrels. Smug little fucks.