Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Man I am so cuntfused every time I try to read a few pages of a thread lately. I'm not on all the time anymore and there's all these new people and socks and shit. I only know like 20 people on here anymore.

What the fuck happened to my man dyna? Did Ty get killed for talking about the klan? Where's Dia? Trousers and yessie are fucking each other up and down every thread. Is fuckshaggy around anymore? What about all the socks lately, what the fuck?


Well-Known Member
Man I am so cuntfused every time I try to read a few pages of a thread lately. I'm not on all the time anymore and there's all these new people and socks and shit. I only know like 20 people on here anymore.

What the fuck happened to my man dyna? Did Ty get killed for talking about the klan? Where's Dia? Trousers and yessie are fucking each other up and down every thread. Is fuckshaggy around anymore? What about all the socks lately, what the fuck?
lulz like I learned in jail. I don't know anything, oh arethey fighting I didn't know, He shot him wtf do I know... I don't know shit nigga


Well-Known Member
we just spent $850 dollars on periodontal surgery and lesion removal on our 13 year old cat.

now i get to spend 15 minutes twice a day lording over her while she eats wet cat food after her pain meds and antibiotics.

the other cats are beside themselves with hatred for me, but that wet food is expensive!


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, today was a good day.

Found a knife wedged between two of our shopping carts. Just needs some TLC and it'll be a neat little survival knife. It's a schrade fixed blade.

I got to play with some boobies.

Sac of decent bud

and best of all...

I put my two weeks notice in at the hardware store :D

Managers trying to put doubts in my head and try and keep me there. Just makes me glad I'm finally quitting. The sad thing is if she would just look me in the eyes and tell me, "We need you here, you're one of our hardest workers." then I might actually reconsider.

Instead she spews off about "Well restaurant work is unreliable. Especially in that location. I know what you mean by working to much. I get about 2hrs of sleep a night between blah, blah,blah,blah. I don't rehire people because it never works out."

Seriously treat me like a person instead of trying to manipulate people and you won't be having 4 people trying to do the work of 8.


Well-Known Member
we just spent $850 dollars on periodontal surgery and lesion removal on our 13 year old cat.

now i get to spend 15 minutes twice a day lording over her while she eats wet cat food after her pain meds and antibiotics.

the other cats are beside themselves with hatred for me, but that wet food is expensive!
I feel ya.
I have a bazillion dollars and hours invested in our Siamese.
she is allergic to something and food trials suck.
I think they are about to give up and just go for long term imuno supression.

Fucking cat.

She sure does love me though


Well-Known Member
I feel ya.
I have a bazillion dollars and hours invested in our Siamese.
she is allergic to something and food trials suck.
I think they are about to give up and just go for long term imuno supression.

Fucking cat.

She sure does love me though
so much for playing any golf this summer.

at least she's purring happily by my side though. i guess.

friggin' cat.


Well-Known Member
Man I am so cuntfused every time I try to read a few pages of a thread lately. I'm not on all the time anymore and there's all these new people and socks and shit. I only know like 20 people on here anymore.

What the fuck happened to my man dyna? Did Ty get killed for talking about the klan? Where's Dia? Trousers and yessie are fucking each other up and down every thread. Is fuckshaggy around anymore? What about all the socks lately, what the fuck?
I feel you homie, Dyna gave rollitup(admin) a what fer have not seen him since.


Well-Known Member
Man I am so cuntfused every time I try to read a few pages of a thread lately. I'm not on all the time anymore and there's all these new people and socks and shit. I only know like 20 people on here anymore.

What the fuck happened to my man dyna? Did Ty get killed for talking about the klan? Where's Dia? Trousers and yessie are fucking each other up and down every thread. Is fuckshaggy around anymore? What about all the socks lately, what the fuck?
1. Dyna got banned, for being mouthy to Rolly/ Potroast. I think. either that or he found a new way to post cereal filled butt holes. I have the dude on Facebook but I can't remember his fucking name!!!! hahahahah FUCK.

2. Ty has been gone for months I think. Last I remember he got beat up real bad and was in the hospital. Then maybe moving to Colorado? Fuck I don't know. I miss that kid though. He was odd, and I liked it.

3. T has left for at least 24 hours, and they have been my favourite 24 hours on this site to date.

4. Finshaggy left a few months ago too. Probably after he realized that people were cuming on pictures of his sister and mom.

5. The socks are fucking pussies. Except Dyna - his are always cool. Trouusers (aka yoga pants, aka the devil) likes to make up sock accounts to troll. He started one called "I am a victim" and had the Avatar as a picture of my crying when I was really really depressed. I hope he never comes back.

And if he does, I have him on ignore anyway so I don't fucking care. He's a dumb cunt.
