This is a REALLY good question, as many growers me too, clock the grow and harvest at the pre-determined date, as I have it all planned out ...months ahead, any nute burn or fuck up shit ..delays harvest, which delays customers ...which delays the money this is vital I include 2 weeks, so I pre soak=8 hours, the seeds sink I extract to the damp paper towel 24 hours, they germ, I plant and wait for the heads to pop, 24 hours at 25c, the rest of that 2 week period is under increasing lighting 24/7, so at the end of 2 weeks the plants should be the size of your fist, about 6-8 inches tall, then I move them the the veg room, with an ID stick of strain and date of germ, date of veg done, and date of bud done, noted to a calender, or grow diary, the id stick goes all the way thru to the cure jar and beyond ...good luck